I’m revisiting the PC Principal character on South Park because it’s part of the reason I started hating the show but it’s actually aged hilariously as a character.
ICYDK, PC Principal was a part of the general assault & commentary on liberal snowflake PC culture. He’s this dogmatic adult frat boy who’s like militantly concerned about rhetorical and social protections of/for minorities to great comic effect.
He’s a grown man literally berating and fighting elementary school children for saying “spokesman” instead of “spokespeople.” BUT, in reality, who are the people hysterically mobilizing around the boogeyman of cancellation? It isn’t liberals lol
It’s this caricatural treatment of libs crying about bathroom policies + immigration (the mockery of actual life and death/safety/human rights issues is where they lose me), but actually, in the words of my top comedy advisor, “it’s just another mirror to conservative cry babies“
I’m not ready to redeem Matt and Trey for his character arc because there’s a deeply unnecessary episode in season 23 (the Tegridy Farms stuff was way too on the nose and I hated it all) about trans women in sports that absolutely sucks and he is horrible and the “lesson” sucks.
He’s not good, but accidentally reveals that what libertarians — both Matt + Trey identify as such, obvs — understand liberals to be is actually what the center and right performs. It’s a practical mirror because they’re believed to be “the same” (but liberals are worse to them).
He’s the contemptible thing they think exists and in breathing life into the parody without any consideration of the actual landscape of power, they make an ironic critique of it — and I can’t stress this part enough — on accident. They’re not playing 4D chess here lol
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