What do you consider to be “hard drugs” and why do you conceptualize them that way?

Not rhetorical, I always think it’s interesting, and important, to discuss where we draw lines around acceptable drug use and what we condemn as being more extreme (and what that is informed by)
I will speak for myself and say in the past not only did I use common stigma to measure “hard drugs” but also whether or not white people did them- I considered things like cocaine, MDMA, ketamine, shrooms, and psychedelics in general to be “hard” because I associated it this way
And in general there is a common idea in black spaces that things like cocaine and acid specifically are things that white people do and therefore not to be messed with- which I think is a response to the ways black people generally are aware of what *we* cannot get away with
I’d love to hear @TheMessyQueer chime in as I’m having trouble processing/ articulating this further!
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