some people on the "left" don't seem to be capable of grasping basic strategy and how politics works: seth rogen coming out with statements against the genocidal apartheid state, however vague, should be used and exploited to the fullest effect to further OUR emancipatory cause
shitting on that for bullshit purity reasons just means you're more interested in larping as some edgy uber-radical in your clique cult of 10 people and don't give a fuck about furthering the cause, which yes, involves exploiting moments like these to raise awareness for it
I have patience for most of these people because they tend to be teenagers venting their legitimate frustrations. yes, it SUCKS that jewish anti-zionists get more attention than palestinians, and its an expression of the systemic racism faced by us (I'm from a muslim background)
but goddamn, right-wing zionists are freaking out about the seth rogen statement that's gone viral and is drawing attention to our cause, rallying around smearing him as a self-hating jew while devaluing its importance, because they realize its significance. think strategically!
there are countless "normies" who are for the first time hearing about it bc of this, and being drawn to critically reflect on the genocidal apartheid state's odiousness. that's great news! it's something to take advantage of, not fucking sulk and throw your toys out the pram
and a lot of you have hammer and sickles in your bios and shit like "ML". instead of larping read lenin, read "what is to be done" and "left-wing communism an infantile disorder". he was strategic, flexible, aware of how to take advantage of situations instead of wasting them
"oh wow, so palestine is finally getting some attention, but it's because of *this*? yeah then fuck it I don't care, I'm just call you all libs and hope everyone will go back to ignoring it in 48 hours". this isn't revolutionary politics, this is liberal aesthetics bullshit.
also, don't confuse exploiting moments like these to help advance our cause with investing your faith in this or that celebrity. as I've said before, echoing brother malcolm's comments about celebrities:
for brother malcolm's comments see
lol seth rogen just followed some of the most rabid, unhinged pro-apartheid regime accounts on here, and I'm talking absolute fringe lunatics. but he's also following some sensible people. no idea which direction it'll go, but use the moment to raise awareness for our cause!
update in the thread below: it looks like a "clarification" is incoming where rogen is going to retract what he said after talking to a fringe racist islamophobic defender of the apartheid regime who smears AOC, bernie sanders, eli valley and others
or maybe he'll heed the left's advice, talks to people who aren't bad faith racist smear-artists, and takes a brave principled stance. if the former, it shows yet again just how pathological and ingrained anti-palestinian racism is in the US, and the need to fight against it
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