There's an uproar on the right over #NiceWhiteParents, the @chanajoffewalt podcast that premiers Thursday.

However, it's progressives who will really feel judged, based on the first episode at least.

Media coverage of integration doesn't come of very well, either.
To get yourself in the mood for #NiceWhiteParents, you might check out @BklynDeep's amazing School Colors Podcast, which reconsiders the Ocean-Hill Brownsville story 
New York City's segregation history has often been ill-covered by local and national media, which have tended to view segregation as a phenomenon of the South.

New book exposes flaws in media coverage of Northern integration efforts - 
As you'll see, there's a double relevance to #NiceWhiteParents, which both points out the past's many failed challenges to segregation & echoes today's #reopening arguments over whether parents should focus on the collective good or self-interest. #pods
There are at least 3 school-related podcast series coming in August, including the new season of @leoncrawl's Fiasco.

A new podcast trendlet is shows explaining public schools and public housing 
via Nieman Reports
According to the first episode of #nicewhiteparents, there were 3 media mis-steps in the coverage of the NYC integration effort:
*failure to cover the 500K student protest adequately
*focusing on the threat of violence
*disproportionate coverage to white counterprotesters
Previous journalism about school segregation has been criticized for leaving the beneficiaries off to the side, but #NiceWhiteParents addresses this concern @DumiLM 
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