Can't think of a better adventure film than Cagliostro, especially in it capturing a tangible sense of beauty and I guess "romance" in the romantic adventure sense and just being pure charm and very very sweet and like ready-made nostalgic beginning to end
The soundtrack and action sequences are also super high energy and thrilling, it's very funny, and there are a million subtle character moments and gestures that are really endearing and give a lot of life and personality to the whole movie
As with a lot of Miyazaki it's very deliberately slow and quiet and contemplative in parts which I think can be challenging for people expecting a more sustained action/comedy tone but that always made it more impactful to me and cemented it in my brain as something special
Miyazaki has made more important films and better and more complex films technically and ideologically and films with richer/more original stories but Cagliostro is such a beautiful and touching little romantic adventure, it'll probably always be my favorite of his
I'd recommend it to anyone regardless of if you're a Lupin fan/weeb or not. It's also something you can watch with family/kids as long as people are okay with a little violence (and cussing depending on which version).
I would also rec the Manga dub or Japanese version and not the Streamline dub. Great breakdown here, don't remember if it has spoilers (I'm a big fan of the Manga dub tho I get the criticisms)
Avoid the Streamline version if possible (every time I've seen it I've been annoyed and I'm not like picky or precious about dubs) but otherwise if you want a really nice movie to watch in quar check it out, especially if you are a big film/filmmaking fan and haven't seen it
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