Okay, I originally wasn't going to say anything, but this has slowly been angering me all day so I suppose I'll just let this out in a thread and then go offline to destress.+
Basically, for all who don't know the issue, it all started when this account tweeted about @/fundsforbangtan getting a lot of donations. @/fundsforbangtan is an account that is run on donations to provide ARMYs who can't afford to buy albums or singles with the money to do so.+
After this tweet got attention, a lot of undesirable people started replying and quoting, telling ARMYs they were wasting their money and that they should put it towards issues that are more "important".+
There are other nasty tweets, some of which are extremely manipulative and gaslighting, but these are just examples of the harassment this poor account is getting. I can't imagine what their mental health must be right now.+
But let me tell you what really pissed me off about the logic behind these arguments. So bear with me as I give you a breakdown of my thoughts.+
1. "There are so many other issues you should be caring about."

We DO. Who is to say you can't care for more than one thing at the same time? Just because ARMYs donated to FFB does NOT mean they don't donate anywhere else. There are many organizations ARMYs donate to.+
Just look at OIAA. We've been doing charity projects FOR YEARS in so many countries around the world. ARMYs have BEEN caring about other issues, but y'all have never acknowledged it.+
2. "Why do you even need to donate to other ARMYs so they can buy singles?"

FFB doesn't just collect for singles, it's for albums as well, and again, it's for any ARMYs who want them but cannot afford them. People who struggle financially don't often get to buy+
Luxury items. There is nothing wrong with giving money to give another fan happiness. BTS' music is so inspiring to us all and everyone should have an equal chance to enjoy their content. Why should some people be left out because you think they shouldn't buy a single?+
ARMYs have done similar things before, such as donating money to those who couldn't afford tickets to BTS' concert in Saudi. Thanks to fans' generosity, over 100 ARMYs got to go to the concert for free. Is this wrong too? If you're poor, should you never enjoy luxuries?+
3. "Donating to chart is gross."

How is it gross? We want to support our faves. Why is it wrong to give money to people who don't have it but WANT to support BTS the right way? Frankly, I don't see the problem with this at all.+
4. "Just listen to the songs for free, BTS already has money, why do you need to give them more?"

That type of mentality angers me the most. BTS work SO HARD to give us amazing music. And while they know we love them, our love alone does not pay the bills.+
The reason why BTS can earn so much from doing what they love is because ARMYs are adamant on supporting them CORRECTLY. NOT by pirating their songs, NOT by using VPN, and NOT by leaking albums either. We know what it takes for BTS to be successful and know how to play the game.+
Also, by finding ways to listen to BTS' music without supporting them properly is disrespectful to them AND everyone involved. Do you know how much money goes into making an album? Or an MV? Or concept photos? That sht isn't cheap and these people need to get paid, you know.+
BTS aren't the only ones who need to be supported, the creative teams and the in-house producers they work with also benefit off being supported in the right way. By saying "just pirate it", you're telling these people that the work they put in is not worth monetary value.+
Imagine working on something and spending all your time and your resources into it, just for people to say that they don't wanna pay for it just because. Like, tell that to any artist who does commissions and I'm sure they WILL cuss you out.+
The awards they get and the money they earned didn't come from nowhere. They didn't wave a magic wand, say "Abracadabra", and pull their months' rent outta their ass, that came from the dedication of their fans and their desire to actually pay them back for their hard work.+
This mentality some Kpop stans have by refusing to financially support their faves is so baffling. They say "you don't need to buy or stream, you just have to enjoy the music" yet don't understand that buying and streaming is what funds future music-related projects.+
This is exactly why so many groups disband. So many fans don't actually understand what it takes to keep their groups afloat and they think that not buying their albums or their singles won't harm them when it does. Y'all are directly affecting their income.+
Then when their comeback tanks and they don't have the money to pay back their trainee debt or their bills, nor do they have the money to start working on the next album, then they're forced to separate with even less money than before. This cycle keeps continuing TO THIS DAY.+
And then after they disband, y'all will complain because "nobody supported them 😢" but fail to realize that y'all are the ones encouraging it by telling people that sales and streams don't matter and that your faves don't actually need your support. HELLOOOOO+
But that talk is for another day. Right now, I just want to say one thing: leave ARMYs tf alone. There is no reason for you to be upset over ARMYs giving money to those who can't afford it. On top of that, it goes on in so many other fandoms but only WE get sht for it.+
So it's clear that y'all don't actually care that it's going on, you just care when ARMYs do it because some of y'all always want to hate on us for NOTHING because that's the only thing that brings y'all satisfaction in your sad sick lives. Get tf OUTTA here with that mess.+
Anyway, I think that's all I wanted to say. I might go and make myself a cup of tea. Anyone who has a problem with my thread can either DM me or kiss my ass. Goodbye.
You can follow @naija0329.
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