It is really amazing how hard women will work to confirm their confirmation bias that posting B&W pictures of themselves serves some nebulous positive pseudo-feminist purpose originating from Turkey, rather than being an operation to grow facial recognition software.

Come on.
As if human rights orgs doing work in the area couldn’t use a contribution.

Wake up.
I’m so tired. Performance isn’t activism.

And you should be suspicious of anyone and anything trying to get any group to upload pics en masse.
I have people arguing with me on Instagram and telling me to lighten up.

These same people probably don’t recognize what the government drones over Minneapolis were collecting: cell phone data, as Bill Barr was queried about today.

Folks need to be aware, and smart.
Anything you post is being collected, monetized and used.

And some technologies are way more nefarious than others.
See, e.g., the work of Trump buddy Peter Thiel’s Palantir, which has tracked immigration activists, undocumented folx, and now folks with COVID. Not good.
Also, maybe it’s just me, but I feel like in 2020 people should really know better. 2016 should have made us at bare minimum more wary about “challenges,” hashtags out of nowhere, and strange unclear demands to upload anything personal.
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