Vince when he sees a black wrestler sees one of these four pictures.
For reference.

The emotionless ass kicker, the crackhead/crazyman, the boot-licker, the comedian/entertainer.

I can't really think of any black wrestler who got any level of success in WWE without falling into deep stereotype.
Not just black wrestlers though, any nationality, ethnic group and even women are massively stereotyped into two dimensional characters.

There's the odd exception to the rule of course. But this stereotyping seriously harms wrestlers in getting over naturally.
It's mental to think that Daniel Bryan might never have been a world champion in WWE were he black. He certainly wouldn't have had the career he had.

He would have been shoved into some "all black" tag team/group or pushed as some stereotypical gimmick were he black.
I use Bryan there as an example. These guys I mentioned above, it's not their fault their characters are this way. They are entertaining (Keith Lee aside who is insanely boring as a boot-licking babyface. The fact he's over only proves he has MEGASTAR potential like The Rock).
But The Rock was even shoved with these terrible gimmicks to begin with. He had to be the most charismatic man to walk the Earth in order to get over in WWE though.

If he'd have been just an insane wrestler like Daniel Bryan, he never would have.
It's just sad.

This was all sparked by someone sharing this:
And yes, you can point to plenty of non-black wrestlers shoved with offensive gimmicks that harmed their push also.

Rusev, Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura for example.

You can even make the argument that The Wyatt Family was stereotyping that damaged the wrestlers.
Brodie Lee aka Luke Harper spoke about how Vince tried to make him be a southern redneck wrestler after the Wyatt Family.

Vince and WWE far too often belittle people to their background. Or in Brodie's case, what Vince thought they looked like. (Also see Kofi's Jamaican gimmick)
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