why would lesbians try to "turn a straight girl" when we have to say every other day that sexuality isn't a choice and not all sexualities are fluid we know straight girls are straight that's why we ignore them
maybe instead we should be discussing how straight girls will flirt with lesbians for an ego boost, makeout with each other for the male gaze, get offended when we don't want them, etc. if anything it's straight girls preying on sapphics but go on with your tired fictional trope
lesbians are literally afraid to even compliment straight women or give platonic hugs or anything like that because we don't want to be seen as predatory so many young lesbians wouldn't even use the changing rooms in highschool you don't know what you're talking about
lesbians literally aren't even attracted to straight women majority of the time it's pretty much only baby gays that get crushes on straight girls we're naturally more drawn towards other sapphics and wouldn't waste our time on someone we know is straight
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