The hashtag #NoSafeSpaceForJewHate came about because people with genuinely large followings were spreading anti-Semitic stereotypes and messages. The idea was for Jews to be silent for 48 hours while others called out anti-Semitism, uplifted our work, and showed solidarity.
The opposite occurred. Horrific anti-Semitism flared up and very, very few tried to do something about it. Far too few.

I want to show you some screenshots I took (including one shared by my wife, @Afis8) that are microcosmic of the greater problem that we face daily.
Here's someone who suggests how to identify Jews - and those who support them - so that you can block them. And it's solely because they're Jewish or supporters of Jews. Notice the anti-Semitic language they use.
Off of a tweet showing solidarity with the hashtag, there is a direct threat. This person is joyously awaiting the day when "actual institutionalized anti-Semitism" returns.
And perhaps the most disgusting, most egregious example of anti-Semitism that I have seen yet is this one. A bag of "oven baked" chips with a stereotypical shyster Jew, a scoop full of piles of ashes, and the backdrop is the gates of Auschwitz.

This tweet is still up.
Did you know that anti-Semitic hate crimes are growing year over year in the United States to the point that, "...there were, on average, as many as six antisemitic incidents in the U.S. for each day in the calendar year"?

Do you remember the hundreds, if not thousands, of Neo-Nazis who marched through the streets of Charlottesville chanting "Jews will not replace us!" and "Blood and soil!", the latter being a Nazi slogan?

There are countless other examples I can give of why Jews globally are living in a state of fear but it really feels like people don't even have a basic understanding of the situation, so these are some "big picture" examples to get you started.
None of this is to take away from #BlackLivesMatter or the #LGBTQ or Indigenous communities.

All we Jews are asking for is to be a part of the greater conversation about equality instead of being left behind, as we so often are.
You can follow @JonathanBarkan.
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