Take a moment to consider radicalization as being either endogenous or exogenous.

Endogenous radicalization: you radicalize yourself

Exogenous radicalization: circumstances radicalize you.
White supremacists, nazis, q, boomers, billionaires etc are endogenously radicalized. They become radicalized even without their standard of living changing significantly.
Exogenous radicalization, that's where life punches you.

People get exogenously radicalized when they find they can't afford to pay rent *and* eat, when they find they have to ration insulin, when they get teargassed, etc
Exogenously radicalized people are radicalized by reality. Actually-existing things piss them off.

Endogenously radicalized people are radicalized by fantasy. MRA's, q, etc feel persecuted by non-existent things.
When half of all renters in the US are facing eviction, a *whole lot* of exogenous radicalization will occur.
And, unlike the endogenous radicalization of people chasing internet rabbit holes, this radicalization has an actually-existing target, with actionable steps toward achieving its goals.
Preventing exogenous radicalization requires a functional society, investments in infrastructure and healthcare and housing, all the various things which keep people from getting punched one time too many and setting up the guillotines.
The US can't help but exogenously radicalize, it's a failed state that does nothing but delight in cruelty and can't afford to do any of the things necessary to prevent it.
Half of all US renters are about to be exogenously radicalized, and there is nothing a failed state can do to prevent it.
And, unlike endogenous radicalization, this type of radicalization can't be satiated by endless youtube videos.

It has a real target, and an easy way of determining whether its goals have been achieved.
You can follow @pookleblinky.
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