People forget that Trump grew up in a "say it until it becomes true" positive thinking cult.

It's always been abundantly clear that he's still a believer, and it's why he detests the acknowledgment of any unpleasant truth.

It's not senility, it's cult programming.
He doesn't care what's true and what's not because to him, because he doesn't believe in fixed reality.

He believes that you speak reality into being.

That's literally the religion he grew up in.

He very likely believes that HCQ *will* work if people just say it enough.
That's what makes Trump such an effective propagandist and fascist.

He doesn't just believe that speaking untruth long enough and loudly enough will make people believe it.

He believes that speaking it long enough and loudly enough will *make it true.*
That's what makes him so dangerous, and it is what is going to happen with this election.

He will never, ever accept an independent external reality of results that aren't in his favor, because doesn't accept the existence of an independent external reality.
It's not just that he has narcissistic tendencies, he was raised in a faith that equated narcissistic delusion with enlightenment.

He believes the loudest voice literally speaks reality into existence, and the presidency gives him the loudest voice on the planet.
We really, really need to be clear that the man is constitutionally incapable of believing he could lose an election, and will remain that way no matter what the results of the election end up being.
And we need to be clear that Trump's advisors are counting on this and mobilizing to create a Blackwater mercenary-supplemented enforcer army in preparation.

They're preparing to use PDX occupation-style tactics to compel Blue urban centers to accept that Trumpian "reality."
Barr-- with widespread support from the GOP-- is laying the groundwork, rhetorically and (pseudo)legally, to label any opposition party street resistance to that "reality" as Antifa terror.
It's so obvious, but establishment Dems are just so smugly certain that Trump can be contained that they're just letting it happen.

They seem just constitutionally incapable of understanding the sort of historical moment we're in, or how these moments end for the opposition.
It doesn't matter what the reality on the ground is when a fascist is willing to enforce his own "reality" at gunpoint.

We're running out of time to keep fascist totalitarianism from shifting from a possibility to an inevitability.
Portland should be on the tip of everyone's tongue all the time.

We need to stop expecting the US military to deus ex machina us come January.

That isn't what militaries do.

We need to be resisting militantly, now.

By January, it will be too late.
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