(A Thread)...
It's no secret that $XRP is one of the most talked about Cryptos in the space. It has held a top 3 status in market cap longer than most coins have even existed!

By the end of 2021 I expect the price of $XRP to reach $30 which would be over 100x returns from the current price...
...at $0.23. Right now we at a very important time where FEAR is at it's highest but at the same time OPPORTUNITY is as well.

At the ultimate point of fear comes the maximum for financial opportunity.

This is where XRP is NOW...
Taking a look at our first 'Fractal' we have $XRP and #Silver

It's very obvious to see that Cryptos are highly correlated to the commodity markets. Silver and XRP are basically the EXACT same chart.

The best thing is this is just the beginning of the PUMP!
When you layer the two on top of each other, you can really start to visualize just how insane this fractal actually is..
This is by far my favorite chart I have ever made of $XRP. Some bald guy even tried to say I "stole it."

The $XRP cycle from 2015-2017 looks IDENTICAL to the cycle from 2018-2020.

Bears literally have ZERO argument.
It's the same damn thing!

Whoever argues against this, I will automatically assume you were dropped on your head as a child. Frequently.
Here's where it get's even CRAZIER...

If we take the last 6 years of price action you find a pretty insane trend forming.

New Years are significant levels in each cycle.

1. Cycle Top
2. Cycle Mid Point
3. Cycle End

This is what takes us into the Bull Run.
Assuming the pattern continues(to some varying degree) it should look something like this.

This is where I would expect my $30 price target to be completed.

This is the reason why I sell based off Time Frames and not so much Price Targets. It's much more accurate, to me.
Even the #XRP / #BTC chart looks the same as the last cycle.

There is alwasy going to be a varying degree of difference between market cycles and fractals. In a lot of ways, Market Cycles and Fractals are one in the same.

Alt/BTC pairs often create "Market Cycle Fractals"
So... Who's ready for this $XRP BULL RUN??

We have waited and waited for so long but it's finally #xrpcommmunity #xrparmy time to shine!

Thank you all so much for the constant support. Please share this to the 'non believers' so they can be faced with the harsh truth
You can follow @vajolleratzii.
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