1. - Vaccine Ops/Comms?
07/27/2020 Operation Warp Speed is unleashing America's scientific genius to develop a Coronavirus vaccine at record speed!
"Today, Moderna vaccine has officially entered phase three."
Post is 4:11 (D.C. Time) 411 = Info comm.
07/27/2020 Operation Warp Speed is unleashing America's scientific genius to develop a Coronavirus vaccine at record speed!
"Today, Moderna vaccine has officially entered phase three."
Post is 4:11 (D.C. Time) 411 = Info comm.
So the vaccine is Moderna?
Which does?
"The vaccine is based on a piece of genetic material called messenger RNA (mRNA) that teaches cells to build the coronavirus' spike protein"
Messenger R?
07/27/2020 COVID vaccine trial starts today in the US https://www.livescience.com/moderna-begins-phase-3-coronavirus-vaccine-trial-us.html
So the vaccine is Moderna?
Which does?
"The vaccine is based on a piece of genetic material called messenger RNA (mRNA) that teaches cells to build the coronavirus' spike protein"
Messenger R?
07/27/2020 COVID vaccine trial starts today in the US https://www.livescience.com/moderna-begins-phase-3-coronavirus-vaccine-trial-us.html
Note this one and attached article about RNA.
There's clearly comms going on here. Injecting "Messenger RNA" may be about funding people/media to fight back against the COVID panic narrative. To be a "messenger"
That truly would be a vaccine.
Note this one and attached article about RNA.
There's clearly comms going on here. Injecting "Messenger RNA" may be about funding people/media to fight back against the COVID panic narrative. To be a "messenger"
That truly would be a vaccine.
07/22/2020 Pfizer to get $2B for coronavirus vaccine under 'Operation Warp Speed'
2 billion dollars? I wonder what that actually goes towards?
07/22/2020 Pfizer to get $2B for coronavirus vaccine under 'Operation Warp Speed'
2 billion dollars? I wonder what that actually goes towards?
07/28/2020 Moderna launches phase 3 vaccine trial at 89 sites across the country
Dawn Baker was the 1st phase 3 volunteer to receive the Moderna vaccine in Savannah, GA.
Dawn Baker? Interesting name https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/local/2020/07/27/moderna-launches-phase-3-vaccine-trial-in-30000-americans-at-89-sites/
07/28/2020 Moderna launches phase 3 vaccine trial at 89 sites across the country
Dawn Baker was the 1st phase 3 volunteer to receive the Moderna vaccine in Savannah, GA.
Dawn Baker? Interesting name https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/local/2020/07/27/moderna-launches-phase-3-vaccine-trial-in-30000-americans-at-89-sites/
Dawn Baker = First to get "vaccine"
Dawn = 1st light in the sky
Baker = Bread baking (QAnon reference)?
02/21/2019 Q 2857
We thank you for your service, Bakers.
04/29/2018 Q1296
Personal thank you to the BO, Bakers, and Autists/Anons
(many others)
Dawn Baker = First to get "vaccine"
Dawn = 1st light in the sky
Baker = Bread baking (QAnon reference)?
02/21/2019 Q 2857
We thank you for your service, Bakers.
04/29/2018 Q1296
Personal thank you to the BO, Bakers, and Autists/Anons
(many others)
So a total of 30k are to take part at 89 locations across country! That's a lot of people to fund.
The method of flipping as I decoded extensively was saying they have the virus.
https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1241374732924022785 so this fits perfectly into that decode.
So a total of 30k are to take part at 89 locations across country! That's a lot of people to fund.
The method of flipping as I decoded extensively was saying they have the virus.
https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1241374732924022785 so this fits perfectly into that decode.
Paying them to do for Q what they've long done it.
Note the language used.
"messenger RNA (mRNA) that teaches cells"
Cells like the kind of CIA cells Q talks about. https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1282822488762671104
Paying them to do for Q what they've long done it.
Note the language used.
"messenger RNA (mRNA) that teaches cells"
Cells like the kind of CIA cells Q talks about. https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1282822488762671104
Vaccine's are carried out under the name of "Operation Warp Speed" A title that fits right in with our new Space Force.
Perhaps Space Force gives the orders (New Military Branch) & Operation Warp Speed (Newly Flipped Splinter Cells) follows them?
Vaccine's are carried out under the name of "Operation Warp Speed" A title that fits right in with our new Space Force.
Perhaps Space Force gives the orders (New Military Branch) & Operation Warp Speed (Newly Flipped Splinter Cells) follows them?
That follows how I viewed Nasa's role. "Space Admistration" as in Media space.
Big rabbit hole that one. https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1239161155282599937 I don't specifically explain that part in this thread, but it's inferred once you know the comms.
That follows how I viewed Nasa's role. "Space Admistration" as in Media space.
Big rabbit hole that one. https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1239161155282599937 I don't specifically explain that part in this thread, but it's inferred once you know the comms.
Likely Clown Comms about this OP.
07/28/2020 CNN: Scientists join forces on Lake Titicaca To Save "scrotum frog."
Scrotum Frog = Pepe (clown perspective) Saving it = op to infuse new life (see above) Lake Titicaca= (chans are known as sea of what?)
Likely Clown Comms about this OP.
07/28/2020 CNN: Scientists join forces on Lake Titicaca To Save "scrotum frog."
Scrotum Frog = Pepe (clown perspective) Saving it = op to infuse new life (see above) Lake Titicaca= (chans are known as sea of what?)
Some strange comms also likely about this op.
07/26/2020 Elon retweeting 9 word (flipped comm) encouragement from the "cardcaptor" twitter
"Captor" = Stealing
Message to the stolen "cards" (flipped agents) - a week where possibilities open up. https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1287062813228187648
Some strange comms also likely about this op.
07/26/2020 Elon retweeting 9 word (flipped comm) encouragement from the "cardcaptor" twitter
"Captor" = Stealing
Message to the stolen "cards" (flipped agents) - a week where possibilities open up. https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1287062813228187648
The character chosen in that picture is named "Cerberus" a reference to the 3 headed dog that guards hell. (formerly) https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1190769960336838656 dog comms.
Yes, silly, but that's how comms remain un-perceptible by the masses you know.
The character chosen in that picture is named "Cerberus" a reference to the 3 headed dog that guards hell. (formerly) https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1190769960336838656 dog comms.
Yes, silly, but that's how comms remain un-perceptible by the masses you know.
The following tweet is also relevant.
It's about a song called "Lithium"
Lithium = Battery (cash infusion = battery to make "go")
He posts Lyrics, they start with "I'm so happy because today I've found my friends"
Includes "I shaved my head" https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1271181993288450048
The following tweet is also relevant.
It's about a song called "Lithium"
Lithium = Battery (cash infusion = battery to make "go")
He posts Lyrics, they start with "I'm so happy because today I've found my friends"
Includes "I shaved my head" https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1271181993288450048
The Musk "car" retweet as the most important car just before the Card Captor + Lithium battery (used in cars)- may also be about the op.
"Operation Warp speed" And Musk is very connected to Military + Space.
https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1233893458428850176 A "Vehicle" to get to warp speed.
The Musk "car" retweet as the most important car just before the Card Captor + Lithium battery (used in cars)- may also be about the op.
"Operation Warp speed" And Musk is very connected to Military + Space.
https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1233893458428850176 A "Vehicle" to get to warp speed.
Speaking of Vehicles https://twitter.com/Reuters/status/1288187467292536832 another one from another big Trump ally.
Video has him riding a bike and then pumping up the tire. Preparing the vehicle.
Speaking of Vehicles https://twitter.com/Reuters/status/1288187467292536832 another one from another big Trump ally.
Video has him riding a bike and then pumping up the tire. Preparing the vehicle.
The Article accompanying it
07/27/2020 UK PM Johnson commits 2 billion in cycling and walking health drive
2 Billion from U.K. Thru Health Drive
2 Billion from U.S. Thru "Operation Warp Speed"
Match-up unlikely a coincidence.
The Article accompanying it
07/27/2020 UK PM Johnson commits 2 billion in cycling and walking health drive
2 Billion from U.K. Thru Health Drive
2 Billion from U.S. Thru "Operation Warp Speed"
Match-up unlikely a coincidence.
Another connected comm
Trump admin 33rd use of defense spending bill! Spending hundreds of millions.
https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1288472296265355266 And the 33 matches up perfectly to the day of the 33rd month of Q!
So yes, more comms of cash infusion to explode the reach of Q incoming!
Another connected comm
Trump admin 33rd use of defense spending bill! Spending hundreds of millions.
https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1288472296265355266 And the 33 matches up perfectly to the day of the 33rd month of Q!
So yes, more comms of cash infusion to explode the reach of Q incoming!
Not just UK and US with money news- but also India. https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1285860156014645248 trade deals often involve cooperation in many matters outide the stated. Which makes sense when you consider how much $ is tied up in them
Trillions/Billions in Trade deal -> Millions in op funding
Not just UK and US with money news- but also India. https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1285860156014645248 trade deals often involve cooperation in many matters outide the stated. Which makes sense when you consider how much $ is tied up in them
Trillions/Billions in Trade deal -> Millions in op funding
This is a strange comm https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1285890641516310528 but connected. "Zelda" donating "money" which is a reference to "Rupees" India's currency.
As Q said "The face is never the author" - celebs are used to send messages.
This is a strange comm https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1285890641516310528 but connected. "Zelda" donating "money" which is a reference to "Rupees" India's currency.
As Q said "The face is never the author" - celebs are used to send messages.
Another related comm.
Indian villagers helping save an "Elephant" by pumping water into a well.
https://twitter.com/Conflits_BN/status/1288043551159463937 Translation?
Another related comm.
Indian villagers helping save an "Elephant" by pumping water into a well.
https://twitter.com/Conflits_BN/status/1288043551159463937 Translation?
Elephant = Republican,
Water = info. https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1196072913553653760
Thus Indians pumping in "info" to help the "Republican" up.
Elephant = Republican,
Water = info. https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1196072913553653760
Thus Indians pumping in "info" to help the "Republican" up.
07/28/2020 School girls in India discover Earth-bound asteroid
Note the "Training workshop" + "campaign"
So again, agents being prepared to help. https://nypost.com/2020/07/28/school-girls-in-india-discover-earth-bound-asteroid/
07/28/2020 School girls in India discover Earth-bound asteroid
Note the "Training workshop" + "campaign"
So again, agents being prepared to help. https://nypost.com/2020/07/28/school-girls-in-india-discover-earth-bound-asteroid/
"Missions forward" + Q + Oath of office being taken by a lot of people.
https://twitter.com/ETheFriend/status/1292287969366282240 Fits with decode.
"Missions forward" + Q + Oath of office being taken by a lot of people.
https://twitter.com/ETheFriend/status/1292287969366282240 Fits with decode.
Another related decode.
https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1291970185717374976 It does seem to be kicking into gear this week.
Another related decode.
https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1291970185717374976 It does seem to be kicking into gear this week.
08/10/2020 Donald Trump claims the ‘1917’ Spanish flu ‘ended World War II’
17/Q comm ending WW2? Q = highest level secrets? DECLAS ends the current WW?
08/10/2020 Donald Trump claims the ‘1917’ Spanish flu ‘ended World War II’
17/Q comm ending WW2? Q = highest level secrets? DECLAS ends the current WW?
Note this was today as well
https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1293031935342571520 - and as for mixing up WW1 & WW2?
Note E's take.
Vaccine released (reconcile with vaccine comms in thread)
Note this was today as well
https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1293031935342571520 - and as for mixing up WW1 & WW2?
Note E's take.
Vaccine released (reconcile with vaccine comms in thread)
Russia sending the same comms - https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1293376833467998210
Russia sending the same comms - https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1293376833467998210
China sending the same comms
08/17/2020 Beijing Touts Major COVID Vaccine Milestone As China Plays 'Catch-Up' With Russia
China sending the same comms
08/17/2020 Beijing Touts Major COVID Vaccine Milestone As China Plays 'Catch-Up' With Russia
This thread goes over comms involving preparation for assets that have been flipped over the past few years to be activated. In particular media assets.
Today's the start of Week 17/Q.
https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1297632833314230272 So, anything interesting happen today involving this? Yes.
This thread goes over comms involving preparation for assets that have been flipped over the past few years to be activated. In particular media assets.
Today's the start of Week 17/Q.
https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1297632833314230272 So, anything interesting happen today involving this? Yes.
08/23/2020 President Trump announces emergency authorization of convalescent plasma to fight COVID-19
"Giving the plasma extracted from the blood of coronavirus survivors." To new patients.
Meaning? https://www.politico.com/news/2020/08/23/plasma-treatment-coronavirus-fda-trump-400390
08/23/2020 President Trump announces emergency authorization of convalescent plasma to fight COVID-19
"Giving the plasma extracted from the blood of coronavirus survivors." To new patients.
Meaning? https://www.politico.com/news/2020/08/23/plasma-treatment-coronavirus-fda-trump-400390
Meaning if it's comms, then previous patients with it being comms for flipping - https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1245864813927878656 then them "donating plasma to new patients" may well be comms for them to help in a new way.
Up until now a main use of lib assets has been pushing them farther left.
Meaning if it's comms, then previous patients with it being comms for flipping - https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1245864813927878656 then them "donating plasma to new patients" may well be comms for them to help in a new way.
Up until now a main use of lib assets has been pushing them farther left.
Note this censored article today. https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomaslandstreet/2020/08/23/there-really-is-a-covid-therapy-that-works-its-called-leronlimab/#698b9d446234
It asserts that Trump's upcoming announcement (which ended up being about Plasma) would be DEFINITELY about Leronlimab.
Something that "Calms the storm"
So, Leronlimab? Any comm to that? Let's take a look...
Note this censored article today. https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomaslandstreet/2020/08/23/there-really-is-a-covid-therapy-that-works-its-called-leronlimab/#698b9d446234
It asserts that Trump's upcoming announcement (which ended up being about Plasma) would be DEFINITELY about Leronlimab.
Something that "Calms the storm"
So, Leronlimab? Any comm to that? Let's take a look...
Ler onli m ab
Ler = Ocean (info comm?)
Onli = Online?
M = Media?
AB = test comm. (Often used in past decodes for moving into new territory.)
Just a guess, if activated it'd explain the quick censoring.
Ler onli m ab
Ler = Ocean (info comm?)
Onli = Online?
M = Media?
AB = test comm. (Often used in past decodes for moving into new territory.)
Just a guess, if activated it'd explain the quick censoring.
08/31/2020 America reportedly suffering monkey shortage for COVID-19 vaccine search
Trouble finding test subjects? - reconcile with thread about flips... and what's also going on now. https://nypost.com/2020/08/31/america-suffering-monkey-shortage-for-covid-19-vaccine-search/?utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_medium=SocialFlow&utm_source=NYPTwitter
08/31/2020 America reportedly suffering monkey shortage for COVID-19 vaccine search
Trouble finding test subjects? - reconcile with thread about flips... and what's also going on now. https://nypost.com/2020/08/31/america-suffering-monkey-shortage-for-covid-19-vaccine-search/?utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_medium=SocialFlow&utm_source=NYPTwitter
"Elephant deaths"
https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1300690321337008128 meant to scare away flips, and it may well have worked to some extent.
"Elephant deaths"
https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1300690321337008128 meant to scare away flips, and it may well have worked to some extent.
But tho it may have worked to scare some away.
https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1301396218010955776 Clearly some remain. "Singing" "dogs" thought extinct in wild, newly found.
But tho it may have worked to scare some away.
https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1301396218010955776 Clearly some remain. "Singing" "dogs" thought extinct in wild, newly found.
09/02/2020 CDC instructs states to be ready to start giving out one of two potential shots DAYS before the election - but experts claim it's a 'political stunt' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-8689909/Health-officials-worry-nation-not-ready-COVID-19-vaccine.html?ITO=applenews
09/02/2020 CDC instructs states to be ready to start giving out one of two potential shots DAYS before the election - but experts claim it's a 'political stunt' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-8689909/Health-officials-worry-nation-not-ready-COVID-19-vaccine.html?ITO=applenews
09/02/2020 Scientists are giving themselves, their family DIY coronavirus vaccines
Given the Vaccine = exposure comms.
This may be comms for agents to open up to the family about their past. What it is they REALLY do. https://nypost.com/2020/09/02/scientists-are-giving-themselves-their-family-diy-coronavirus-vaccines/
09/02/2020 Scientists are giving themselves, their family DIY coronavirus vaccines
Given the Vaccine = exposure comms.
This may be comms for agents to open up to the family about their past. What it is they REALLY do. https://nypost.com/2020/09/02/scientists-are-giving-themselves-their-family-diy-coronavirus-vaccines/
And that includes "Scientists"
as I cover in countless threads. "Science" and "History" is one of the ways they send comms. https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1290079296699080704 Having plants in the industry to create the necessary wordings/discoveries for narratives is a no-brainer.
And that includes "Scientists"
as I cover in countless threads. "Science" and "History" is one of the ways they send comms. https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1290079296699080704 Having plants in the industry to create the necessary wordings/discoveries for narratives is a no-brainer.
09/03/2020 Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine stops severe illness — in hamsters
Note the type of hamster in description below: "Syrian golden hamsters"
Golden hamster? https://nypost.com/2020/09/03/johnson-johnson-covid-19-vaccine-stops-severe-illness-in-hamsters/
09/03/2020 Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine stops severe illness — in hamsters
Note the type of hamster in description below: "Syrian golden hamsters"
Golden hamster? https://nypost.com/2020/09/03/johnson-johnson-covid-19-vaccine-stops-severe-illness-in-hamsters/
Gold = funding comms.
As stated extensively in this thread and others. https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1288476164365770752 The vaccine funding comms are about funding. Early comms asserted it clearly, and so we have a new comm about the successes in those early tests.
So it's now going to expand?
Gold = funding comms.
As stated extensively in this thread and others. https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1288476164365770752 The vaccine funding comms are about funding. Early comms asserted it clearly, and so we have a new comm about the successes in those early tests.
So it's now going to expand?
Ever since the Federal Reserve flipped really https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1246637626360098817 the money printing machine for clowns has been turned against them. Funding ops against them for the first time in history?
Note Q announced it in March.
Ever since the Federal Reserve flipped really https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1246637626360098817 the money printing machine for clowns has been turned against them. Funding ops against them for the first time in history?
Note Q announced it in March.
2 Months prior to take-over comm. U.S.A. plans to go to the GOLDEN asteroid.
01/15/2020 MIDAS ROCK Giant golden asteroid has enough heavy metals to make everyone on earth billionaires – and Nasa is heading there
"Worth £8,000 Quadrillion." https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/9378480/giant-golden-asteroid-psyche-61-billionaire-nasa-2022/
2 Months prior to take-over comm. U.S.A. plans to go to the GOLDEN asteroid.
01/15/2020 MIDAS ROCK Giant golden asteroid has enough heavy metals to make everyone on earth billionaires – and Nasa is heading there
"Worth £8,000 Quadrillion." https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/9378480/giant-golden-asteroid-psyche-61-billionaire-nasa-2022/
Day before Golden hamster comm. Note gold color used.
09/02/2020 Black holes: Cosmic signal rattles Earth after 7 billion years
This is the gravitational "shockwave" that spread out from biggest merger yet observed between 2 black holes.
Day before Golden hamster comm. Note gold color used.
09/02/2020 Black holes: Cosmic signal rattles Earth after 7 billion years
This is the gravitational "shockwave" that spread out from biggest merger yet observed between 2 black holes.
Likely a comm of funding new cells. https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1301741646879490048 A merger between military and "face"
Due to clown money control this could never ever have happened before now. It's uncharted territory.
Likely a comm of funding new cells. https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1301741646879490048 A merger between military and "face"
Due to clown money control this could never ever have happened before now. It's uncharted territory.
09/14/2020 Army COVID-19 vaccine may produce a side benefit: Cure for the common cold
I had been focusing on the comms so much I hadn't considered that the actual "Vaccine" itself might have a different awesome purpose.
09/14/2020 Army COVID-19 vaccine may produce a side benefit: Cure for the common cold
I had been focusing on the comms so much I hadn't considered that the actual "Vaccine" itself might have a different awesome purpose.
On Average all people on earth get infected 2-3 times a year.
In the U.S. alone it leads to 75–100 million physician visits annually. Americans spend $2.9 billion on over-the-counter drugs!
https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1288109093694005253 Perhaps why Big Pharma is so intent on ousting Trump?
On Average all people on earth get infected 2-3 times a year.
In the U.S. alone it leads to 75–100 million physician visits annually. Americans spend $2.9 billion on over-the-counter drugs!
https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1288109093694005253 Perhaps why Big Pharma is so intent on ousting Trump?
This does not mean the decodes in thread are incorrect of Vaccines being used to piggyback agent funding.
It simply means that the medical part of the comms was not just a set-dressing school play. As Q has said at times "Multiple meanings"
This does not mean the decodes in thread are incorrect of Vaccines being used to piggyback agent funding.
It simply means that the medical part of the comms was not just a set-dressing school play. As Q has said at times "Multiple meanings"
09/14/2020 Pfizer says it should know if COVID-19 vaccine works by end of October
Reconcile with Vaccine comms - if Republican RED OCTOBER doesn't manifest by the end of next month then the op will be considered a failure? https://nypost.com/2020/09/14/pfizer-should-know-if-covid-vaccine-works-by-end-of-october/
09/14/2020 Pfizer says it should know if COVID-19 vaccine works by end of October
Reconcile with Vaccine comms - if Republican RED OCTOBER doesn't manifest by the end of next month then the op will be considered a failure? https://nypost.com/2020/09/14/pfizer-should-know-if-covid-vaccine-works-by-end-of-october/
4:11 "We are going to get you the drug. Our military is doing the distribution, it's called logistics and they deliver hundreds of thousands of troops in a matter of days. This is easy stuff for them."
4:11 "We are going to get you the drug. Our military is doing the distribution, it's called logistics and they deliver hundreds of thousands of troops in a matter of days. This is easy stuff for them."
Same speech.
https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1313982857140817922 thread goes thru more comms about the military prep connections.
Same speech.
https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1313982857140817922 thread goes thru more comms about the military prep connections.
11/16/2020 As New Vaccines Near Delivery, General in Charge of Distribution Says He's 'Ready to Execute' https://www.military.com/daily-news/2020/11/16/new-vaccines-near-delivery-general-charge-of-distribution-says-hes-ready-execute.html
11/16/2020 As New Vaccines Near Delivery, General in Charge of Distribution Says He's 'Ready to Execute' https://www.military.com/daily-news/2020/11/16/new-vaccines-near-delivery-general-charge-of-distribution-says-hes-ready-execute.html
11/26/2020 Vaccine distribution will start next week and the week after for frontline workers, seniors
11/26/2020 Vaccine distribution will start next week and the week after for frontline workers, seniors
Thread decodes Vaccine as activation of flip comms.
Comms put the Media landscaping (plant changes) deadline this week.
https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1325636787931283456 Thus the week after activations fits perfectly.
Thread decodes Vaccine as activation of flip comms.
Comms put the Media landscaping (plant changes) deadline this week.
https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1325636787931283456 Thus the week after activations fits perfectly.
Looking at the special announcement video for vaccine timeline, tiny desk + ringed binder?
School desk comms? Media activations explaining the steal? "Teaching?" https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1330754251627237376 h/t @nikimarinno for bringing tiny desk size to my attention.
Looking at the special announcement video for vaccine timeline, tiny desk + ringed binder?
School desk comms? Media activations explaining the steal? "Teaching?" https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1330754251627237376 h/t @nikimarinno for bringing tiny desk size to my attention.
Ringed binder also brings this comm to mind. https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1322746307916652546 Control.
Ringed binder also brings this comm to mind. https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1322746307916652546 Control.
11/26/2020 Navy Tweet: Submarine Force - "Sailors assigned to commander"
Sequence of images comms.
Pic 1 Submarine Internet Meeting
Pic 2 Speech to "Plant"
Pic 3 Ringed hand back support, shows phone
Pic 4 Talks to "Plants" + backpack (ready to go?) https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1307386804924870656
11/26/2020 Navy Tweet: Submarine Force - "Sailors assigned to commander"
Sequence of images comms.
Pic 1 Submarine Internet Meeting
Pic 2 Speech to "Plant"
Pic 3 Ringed hand back support, shows phone
Pic 4 Talks to "Plants" + backpack (ready to go?) https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1307386804924870656
29a. Vaccines to start with "Teachers"
12/02/2020 Vladimir Putin Orders Mass Sputnik 5 Vaccination of Russia Next Week Starting With Doctors and Teachers
Comms of agent support roll-out, in particular those in the media (thread explains vaccine comms) https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/vladimir-putin-orders-mass-covid-vaccination-of-russia-next-week-starting-with-doctors-and-teachers/ar-BB1bz5z7
12/02/2020 Vladimir Putin Orders Mass Sputnik 5 Vaccination of Russia Next Week Starting With Doctors and Teachers
Comms of agent support roll-out, in particular those in the media (thread explains vaccine comms) https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/vladimir-putin-orders-mass-covid-vaccination-of-russia-next-week-starting-with-doctors-and-teachers/ar-BB1bz5z7
Teaching comms https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1332472312449253376
Teaching comms https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1332472312449253376
Flipped MOS media.
11/16/2020 Israel In Talks To Buy Russia's COVID Vaccine Sputnik-V
"effort to cast as wide a net as possible" https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/israel-receive-russias-92-effective-sputnik-v-vaccine-effort-cast-wider-net
Flipped MOS media.
11/16/2020 Israel In Talks To Buy Russia's COVID Vaccine Sputnik-V
"effort to cast as wide a net as possible" https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/israel-receive-russias-92-effective-sputnik-v-vaccine-effort-cast-wider-net
12/14/2020 Queens nurse becomes first in US to get Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine
“This vaccine is exciting because I believe this is the weapon that will end the war,” https://nypost.com/2020/12/14/queens-nurse-becomes-first-new-yorker-to-get-covid-19-vaccine/
12/14/2020 Queens nurse becomes first in US to get Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine
“This vaccine is exciting because I believe this is the weapon that will end the war,” https://nypost.com/2020/12/14/queens-nurse-becomes-first-new-yorker-to-get-covid-19-vaccine/
Queens and Cards https://twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1338532152971968520
Queens and Cards https://twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1338532152971968520
Queens chamber lost Pyramid treasure found. https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1339181922250010624
Queens chamber lost Pyramid treasure found. https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1339181922250010624
DOD with "CM"
12/15/2020: “Got the vaccine yesterday afternoon. I usually crash hard from shots but this time, I feel fine! No issues at all other than a slightly sore arm like I did too many pull ups.” A/SD Chris Miller
https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1250807882607497217 "Arm" training comms.
DOD with "CM"
12/15/2020: “Got the vaccine yesterday afternoon. I usually crash hard from shots but this time, I feel fine! No issues at all other than a slightly sore arm like I did too many pull ups.” A/SD Chris Miller
https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1250807882607497217 "Arm" training comms.
Turner/Boots comms
12/17/2020 Radio signal detected from deep space system could give new ‘way to examine alien worlds’
Cornell University researcher Jake Turner, said in a statement. “The signal is from the Tau Boötes system" https://nypost.com/2020/12/17/radio-signal-detected-in-space-could-allow-examination-of-alien-worlds/
Turner/Boots comms
12/17/2020 Radio signal detected from deep space system could give new ‘way to examine alien worlds’
Cornell University researcher Jake Turner, said in a statement. “The signal is from the Tau Boötes system" https://nypost.com/2020/12/17/radio-signal-detected-in-space-could-allow-examination-of-alien-worlds/
12/18/2020 Scientists heard a radio signal from an exoplanet for the first time
"it could help unlock secrets about other planets outside of our solar system."
Heard signal from exoplanet "for the first time"
12/18/2020 Scientists heard a radio signal from an exoplanet for the first time
"it could help unlock secrets about other planets outside of our solar system."
Heard signal from exoplanet "for the first time"
Thread goes over comms for Vaccines as activations - and it is now being distributed.
12/15/2020 CDC gives final OK to Pfizer vaccine
12/19/2020 Moderna Vaccine Approved
12/18/2020 Pence Gets Vaccine https://www.wsj.com/articles/pence-gets-covid-19-vaccine-amid-national-immunization-campaign-11608297468
Thread goes over comms for Vaccines as activations - and it is now being distributed.
12/15/2020 CDC gives final OK to Pfizer vaccine
12/19/2020 Moderna Vaccine Approved
12/18/2020 Pence Gets Vaccine https://www.wsj.com/articles/pence-gets-covid-19-vaccine-amid-national-immunization-campaign-11608297468
So tons of cells coming online, and so we have "signals for the first time" from exoplanets.
And so all that remains is coordination.
12/18/2020 Space Force officially named: "Guardians"
https://twitter.com/SpaceForceDoD/status/1340054052894326785 space boots ready.
So tons of cells coming online, and so we have "signals for the first time" from exoplanets.
And so all that remains is coordination.
12/18/2020 Space Force officially named: "Guardians"
https://twitter.com/SpaceForceDoD/status/1340054052894326785 space boots ready.