Two years ago today I finally officially came out at work. I had slowly started shifting my presentation for two months, all of my team and a lot of others at my workplace already know me as Laura and everyone in my private and social life knew. It was the last big step.
Being out, with a new email, business card, name tag etc. while not having started HRT, not having done any hair removal or voice work was terrifying, especially since I worked in a very public facing position including a lot of phone calls and even some press work.
While my company hadn't had any experience with trans employees before, they were great about changing my name etc. without legal requirements, making sure I was confident using the correct bathrooms and that I felt like they had my back in case someone had an issue with me.
I was incredibly lucky. Almost every single person in my life accepted and supported me. They helped me get over so many anxieties, through so many awkward and terrifying moments, so much fear and uncertainty.
I feel like everything after this phase was getting easier and easier.
Especially those who face the vast majority of discrimination and violence on a daily basis. 
Especially those, who are forced to live in extremely unsafe environments. 
You can follow @im_just_laur.
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