We always hear... “toxic this” or “toxic that”

But what exactly does being “toxic” mean?

Let me start off by saying NOBODY is perfect.

So don’t automatically exclude yourself from having any of these traits.

Be aware of & learn from these.
1. Blaming

Toxic people endlessly blame others and seem completely unable to “own” their own contribution to any problem.

They will come up with elaborate explanations of why they couldn’t possibly be to blame for any given issue.
2. Passive aggression

Often times, they will not be outright aggressive, but they will make small verbal “jabs” toward others when they are angry or hurt.

This behavior will be denied if anyone calls them out on it, which can be very confusing, a form of gaslighting.
3. Manipulation

They will manipulate others to get what they want.

Examples of this in a toxic parent can include “dividing and conquering,”

where a parent tries to break up the bond between siblings so that they cannot come together & bond over the parent’s toxic behavior.
4. Negativity

Some toxic people seem completely unable to enjoy anything in life.

When others try to share anything that makes them happy, they are met with cynicism and condescension.
5. Emotional blackmail

Toxic people try to use guilt trips and emotional blackmail to get their needs met.

They do not hesitate to pull on your heartstrings or use guilt against you if it means that you will comply with their requests.
6. Criticism

Toxic people constantly criticize others, for their appearance, personality traits, behavior, or anything else that catches their attention.

The younger and/or more sensitive you are at the time of receiving this criticism, the more severe an impact it may have.
7. Judgemental

They will judge you every step of the way.

Whether it’s your career, love life, clothes, or the food you’re eating, they will be there to criticize.

The attention will never move towards their choices because they’ll be busy with putting you down.
8. Mean

They are mean. There’s just no way around it.

They are mean and don’t care about other people. They’ll suck the soul out of you if you let them because it makes them feel better.
Do you have any of these traits?

Before pinpointing the blame onto anyone else around you,

Take time to self-reflect ✍🏼

No acknowledgement = no improvement

If you don’t acknowledge that there’s a problem, you’ll never solve it.
Now observe the people around you.

If you find that someone has some or ALL of these traits & deep down

You just KNOW they’re doing damage to your mental/spiritual health,

Let them go. Respectfully.
I’ll end off with this quote:

“Letting go of the toxic people and things in your life is a big step to loving yourself.”
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