-the art of creating your reality, life is about to get a lot more fun.đŸ„ș-

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WHAT IS IT? manifesting is attracting things into your reality—you have free will. you are made in the image and likeness of the universe, of God—the universe is the ocean, you’re a wave. the universe is experiencing itself through YOU. thus, you are a powerful ass CREATOR.
so, everything has a vibration/frequency. that love, that opportunity you desire? all have a certain frequency. so, to consciously attract it into your life, you simply align to the frequency of having what you desire.
quantum physics is fascinating. in a nutshell, every possibility exists until you choose one. every reality exists, so you can choose what you DESIRE to experience. i can go on and on about the science of it all! but for now, just know life is about to get a whole lot more fun.
INTENDING: to consciously manifest, set the clear intention to experience what you desire. BELIEVE you can and will have it. this is so powerful on new moons, birthdays, New Years, and ofc anytime. write down the intention, repeat it, get it into your subconscious.
language is important. ex. ‘i intend/ am going to experience this beautiful opportunity’ sends determined, confident energy. ‘i want/need to experience that opportunity’ sends lack/neediness into the universe. what you put out will return tenfold—way easier to set an intention.
‘i would love to experience this beautiful opportunity’ is also powerful as it has effortless, confident energy. embody this energy and be humble—believe you can and will do it!
FEELING: to attune to the vibration your desire is at, you feel the emotions of already having it. visualize yourself having it, script out already having it, get REAL specific so you feel it ALL. FEEL THE EMOTIONS. this is fr so much fun. more on methods later!
your brain literally cannot tell the difference between memory and imagination—thus you are sending this energy out into the universe. plus, every millisecond we experience is the past, present, AND future. time does not exist—this present moment right now is powerful.
ACTING ON IT: if you can act on it, do so. your physical actions are so powerful. if you’re intending to get a new job, girl APPLY. put yourself out there, do the WORK! keep that determined mindset AND put in the physical effort. this accelerates things so much. period.
LETTING GO: this is the best part. once you place your order, let it go— let the universe handle it! have FAITH the universe is pulling the strings to make it happen—give lots of thanks like you already have it. remind yourself all the reasons you DESERVE it. you’re taken care of
the more resistance or self doubt you have, the longer it takes to come into fruition. this you’ll often find when you’re manifesting something really, really important to you. but, know that the universe cannot differentiate between an elephant and a penny—nothing is too big.
GIVING THANKS: gratitude feels SO GOODđŸ„ș. genuinely give thanks that the universe gave you this creative power and that it is bringing your desires into your reality. feel grateful for everything else in your life as well—you vibrate on abundance this way. you are blessed🌑✹🕊
if you can trust amazon prime, you can trust the mf universe. it WILL deliver, it wishes to experience itself through YOU. let go, have an effortless mentality about it, give thanks, and go about your day. smile, and watch it fall into your lap :) it’s already yours, my love.
METHODS OF MANIFESTING: all stem back to feeling the emotions, and letting go. visualizing, scripting, affirming, and a REALLY powerful one—feeling yourself😳😳to your desire (especially on a new moon/ on ur period for my ladies)—all work. SO many creative ways to manifest✹🌑
ALSO: if you suffer from intrusive thoughts, depression, anxiety, etc. DO NOT BELIEVE PPL TELLING YOU THAT YOUR NEGATIVE THOUGHTS ARE MANIFESTING INTO YOUR REALITY. hell no—manifesting is so much more than random mf thoughts—it’s the emotions, intentions, actions. DON’T TRIP BBY.
remember: manifesting is fun and easy. it is FUN and EASY! the more you manifest, the more you trust the process and yourself, the easier it gets. do the inner work and get to the root cause to get rid of self limiting beliefs as well :)
start by manifesting something small—the VERY first thing I manifested was finding a penny on the ground. it’d literally been so long since I could remember finding change, and I was like whatever imma do it! what do I have to lose? life has literally changed since then.
so, I visualized finding this penny every night before i slept, I felt the shock I would feel when I actually found the penny, so much i started having dreams about it. i have gratitude to the universe for allowing me to find this penny, and I had complete faith it’d comeđŸ˜­đŸ€
lo and behold, a week later, i find a penny right where i was working out. i was AMAZED. then, the next day, i found another penny—again. 2 days after that, i found a mf cluster of coins. i was literally SO shocked, amused, happy, in disbeliefđŸ„ș manifesting was so FUN
in high school, i even had a planner where each week, id draw something really random/obscure to manifest, like a cat holding a lemon, a rainbow colored dice, a specific compliment, free coffee. every. week. it. always. manifested. IT WAS JUST SO FUN AND BUILT MY TRUST—do this!
since then, it’s been friends, people, opportunities, acceptances, happiness—the universe has such a sense of humor and it’s really beautiful. it loves you man. it’s been a journey of self love, healing, and happiness. look up, smile, just bask in alllllll the blessings🧿✹🌑🕊
last remarks—you only live once in this lifetime, so have fun with it and create your reality. make it beautiful and what you wish, and have faith in the universe and your own abilities :) i hope this helped and happy manifesting!
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