I am so shocked at the amount of hate speech and body shaming there is on social media regarding the new government obesity guidelines
Obesity is a multifactorial issue that we have due to poor government support in education, mental health, social care and the neglect to lower income families. It is NOT caused by individuals over eating and being lazy.
That being said, there is absolutely no excuse for fat shaming and disrespect to larger body types. Body size does not mean health!!! I will not stand by and watch this prejudice towards larger bodied people, disguised as “caring” about health. /3
It is not a case of eat less move more. Let’s consider how inaccessible, costly and time consuming healthy food is in today’s society. How many people have health conditions, medication and genetic disorders. /4
How confusing, conflicting and damaging nutritional advice is and how much mental health and our relationships with food is linked.

Something has to change and this government strategy only seems to be harming people who are already vulnerable. /5
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