I'll tell y'all a story one of my professors told me, and this story is about why saying stuff like "just hustle" is nonsense

So he was telling us about the years just before collapse of the Soviet Union, and how he, a young eager eyed anesthesiologist, finds himself in an.... https://twitter.com/ugawoman01/status/1288181783926841345
...environment where doctors were getting pennies, literal pennies or nothing at all from the government . One day, he was walking in the open air market and he happens upon one of his colleagues , a talented surgeon, selling potatoes
"what are you doing here? youre a doctor" he tells the other man. "and? what money is there in medicine?" the man replied. "I'd rather sell potatoes, my children wont eat talent"
You see, its not the hustling thats the problem, hustling flourishes under the right condition. Nothing wrong with selling potatoes. But if a talented doctor has to sell potatoes to make ends meet instead of , idk , saving lives, its not a lack of hustle . It is, say it with me-

If everyone has to sell potatoes and ""hustle"" despite qualifications and talent, then is it hustling or just scraping by out of desperation?
Now i realize people see things differently and some people look differently , some people think they are "too good" for that. But i raise you this - would you prefer to hustle to thrive and prove them wrong , or hustle just to scrape by despite all the drive and ingenuity?
There are people thriving in Uganda, not because of all their work ethic and ingenuity like you, but because they are related to the right person, or because they steal from YOU , who is bending over backwards , striving to improve her situation . Is that right?
Ask yourself this, and then weigh the "just hustle" against the reality - that no amount of Ugandan hustle will fix a system hell bent on making thriving hard for the ordinary man.
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