Many conservative talking heads like Tucker Carlson complain about multiculturalism, and especially how its supposedly taken over and destroyed American corporate culture lately. Anywho, this is an ad that appeared in Life Magazine in March of 1939.
There's a spread on Mein Kampf, which is now available for Americans to read and make up their own minds about Hitler.
A few pages before that is a story about the German-American Bund rally that was recentlly held at Madison Square Garden. "It Can Happen Here." This is the rally depicted in the documentary, "A Night at the Garden."
It also had a 7-page spread on Fascism in the US.
Thanks to @arecoleman for putting me on to this edition of Survey Graphic from February 1939. These political cartoons are of interest.
Note also this explicitly anti-fascist, pictorial depiction of "the American people" in this progressive, February 1939 magazine.
Here's a link to the full text of the magazine. This Popular Front celebration of a racially diverse "Americanism" is part of the US past that has largely been forgotten.
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