ketamine nearly killed me, i’m almost three years sober & still feel the effects of my drug addiction - glamorisation like this shit helped delude me into thinking i was “having fun” & not a dying addict. also, it’s just fucking embarrassing to parade around your substance intake
please stop making ketamine your personality
some clarifications:

• i’m not in any way trying to further the stigma around drug use or saying people shouldn’t ever do drugs

• i’m also not saying that everyone who does drugs is going to become addicted or die from them, the point is it’s sad to glamorise the lifestyle
• appropriate steps forward would be legalisation, proper education & appropriate rehabilitation & care for those who ARE suffering from addiction. a lot of problems lie with heath professionals who treat addicts like criminals

• legalisation = proper testing = fewer deaths
• harm reduction is FAR more important than anything else. people will always take drugs - but the way in which they move through society at the moment isn’t good, people often don’t know what they’re taking & that’s not okay - everything should be pure & uncut
• alcohol should exist in the same principle as it’s actually more harmful than most drugs but i don’t know when society/governments will reach that conclusion

• please remove “junkie” & “crack addict” from your vocabulary unless you have BEEN one
• substances themselves are not evil but it has to be acknowledged that anything which floods your happiness receptors for a limited time can become addictive & more care & resources are required to prevent addictions from forming because people assume they’re in the clear
@rustyrockets is an incredible teacher & was a big part in aiding my sobriety (& countless others) & i really recommend listening to him regarding this subject as he can put across points far more eloquently & informatively than i could ever dream of
• accessories like this are a direct result of privilege and we must acknowledge that

and lastly

• these earrings are literally just tacky & cringe sorry to say it but get a grip if you’d wear them
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