I'm noticing that everyone's executive function is struggling right now.

As an ADHDer, it's kind of interesting to watch. People I thought were rock solid organizationally look more like me every day.

Maybe we'll all be kinder about small mistakes as a result? IDK.
As an ADHDer I can tell you how I deal with this. (Beyond Medication, which you should not take without a prof. evaluation)

1. Sleep, Sleep, Sleep
2. Exercise
3. Proper Nutrition
4. Boundaries on Screen time
Carbs, fora lot of us ADHDers, can interfere with exec function, making us "foggy." many ADHDers report better results on lower-carb diets. YMMV, obviously.

Morning exercise helps with sleep, that's a documented fact.
After you're taking care of these things, then you can help combat the fog by learning to externalize your memory.

Write everything down. and I do mean everything.

Any system you like can work, but you must write stuff down. Externalize your memory.
Having a structure to your day helps a ton. Get up at the same time, sleep at the same time, eat and work out at the same time. This trains your brain to be ready when you need it.

Don't vary widely on weekends.
for me personally, Sleep is my #1 goal. When I need to get it together, it's all about sleep. without sleep my meds are less effective. without sleep, you function as though you were legally drunk.

Lots written on sleep, but nailing this will make everything else easier
Give yourself more time to accomplish stuff. Accepting that things are taking longer due to *gestures broadly* ALL THIS is helpful in reducing the pressure.

Accept that you are struggling and it's hard right now and adapt to it, don't fight it or berate yourself.
Take breaks. insert them in the day. and stop and do things that fill you up. Don't power through for too long or you may find yourself with a battery that can't be recharged.

that's all I got for now. share your tips!
I almost forgot. I found this video by @cgpgrey on organizing your "spaceship" in a pandemic and it's a near-perfect fit for how I manage my life as an ADHDer:
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