To those so afraid of Fascism coming to America.

It's already here.

In fact, it's already globally almost everywhere.

Maybe look up Corporatism, look into the power huge multinational conglomerates and the IMF have, then think about it.
No, this isn't a RW viewpoint of "Look at what globalism is doing!"

This is a rational thought process when you see how many multinational companies have been caught abusing the governments and people of many countries, and they keep getting away with it.
This is a rational thought process, when you realize any country taking out an IMF loan, is forced into austerity measures that always disproportionately impact the poor, and more often than not, require state control or state violence to enforce.
This is a rational thought process, when you realize that often these corporations make crooked deals with hand picked governments, that siphon the natural wealth of a country for their profits, and when you realize that opposition to said deals is cracked down on violently.
This is a rational thought process, when you read up on the Business Plot, and realize that corporate America (and corporations in general) absolutely love Fascism, and have tried to implement it to their benefit multiple times.
This is a rational thought process, when you see how local protests against these corporate ghouls were cracked down upon using both using propaganda to slander them AND state sanctioned violence. EVEN IN THE USA.

Occupy? NoDAPL? WTO protests?

The list goes on.
And mind you, in the USA alone, there's a long history of Gov "cracking down" on anything that affects the bottom line of corporations.

You know, like the TIMES the US fucking military was used to subdue striking miners, like the Ludlow Massacre, Blair Mountain...etc
The list is actually really quite long, and spans quite a range of time
And if you really want further proof, you should realize that at multiple points, US congress repeatedly had to debate or modify laws on if American Multinational companies should be allowed to legally bribe or intimidate officials in other countries.

The FCPA actually allows it
Naturally apologists will point to the nature of doing business in corrupt countries and say this is a necessity....etc

and to that I say; Fucking bullshit.

With the military and economic power of the US, no one should be "greasing" palms for business deals.
In most of these cases, the "greasing palms" just allows these corporations to get advantages they shouldn't get, on the back of the suffering of the locals.

And naturally if the locals speak out, the violent state led crackdown occurs.
Of COURSE they say the definition of "Greasing palms" is to "Expedite existing deals".

But naturally, that's rarely what actually happens, as the VERY few cases actually looked into have proven (Because the SEC rarely looks into FCPA violations, I wonder why...)
But I digressed.

Some people think Fascism is this deary grey shit in which everyone is walking around miserable and everything is grey and brown with hard looking solders on every corner.

Those people are fucking idiots that have never picked up a history book.
They think that under Fascism you can never say anything controversial, can't say much other than "party" slogans...etc, if you rebel or if you're part of an "undesirable" group that you're likely to be murdered..etc

The fuck do you think already happened & happens in the USA?
Do you know that in most cases, the people actually HELP the government do these things? For example, in some of these countries, you can insult the government all the time, but then "good citizens" will sue you, and the "government is forced to act to apply the law."
Also relevant
Fascism rises because people fucking enable it.

Those applauding corporate led censorship, or advocating for people to be censored on a corporate owned platform based on their opinions.

Those that applaud or are indifferent to the arrests of whistleblowers.
Those that applaud or are indifferent to government led crackdowns on protests or strikes.

Those that applaud or are indifferent to erosion of laws and civil rights out of some imagined fear.

The list goes on.

All these people and more, enable fascism.
Forgot a big one;

Those that applaud or are indifferent to wars or "regime change" where the goal is to subjugate a local populace to steal their resources, either by dominance, or by installing puppet dictatorships after removing existing rulers.
So in short, wake the fuck up.

Fascism isn't all about armed regimes marching up and down the streets shouting scary slogans, and going around beating up protesters and arresting dissidents.

There's much more to it, and it almost always, benefits corporations or the rich.
So while people are busy fighting the obvious outward manifestations of Fascism (Proud boys, White nationalists..etc), they're still embracing other aspects of fascism regularly, and as a result, it's constantly encroaching and will eventually dominate.

Wake the fuck up.
Because mind you, we're rapidly approaching the point, where the economic imbalance of fascism is unsustainable; The number of folks not "benefiting" from it, is growing.

Eventually that leads to one of two things; Violent Revolution, or complete violent subjugation of plebs.
Yeah, I'm done ranting.

Just please fucking pick up a history book not written by a corporation or a corporate cheerleader and learn from fucking history. PLEASE.

Before it's god damn too late, although as this thread expounded upon, it's probably already too late.
I leave you with the thoughts of one of my heroes, that Neo-liberals tried to co-opt and water down a few days ago.

The exchange around 4:20 in the video is the most interesting & one of the rare cases where Maher wasn't a complete POS

h/t @JohnnyAkzam
PS; Anyone that's read leftist history understands the importance of "armed plebs" so that the state doesn't have a monopoly on violence that can be used to subjugate them.

You ever wonder why gun control is more acceptable to "Dem leaders" than something like MedicareForAll is?
Of course someone will use that last tweet (and this thread in general) to try to paint me as a RW kook, completely and utterly missing the point.
Well, that didn't take too long.

So I can understand prosecuting arsonists, looters...etc but why is it ok to prosecute anarchists again?
This entire thread.
Speaking of Fascism; This isn't new, this behavior goes back at least to the 70s.

But you wouldn't know of course, since it's been mostly used on the people "Liberals™" love to ignore.
If you actually read from sources like that excerpt in that last tweet, you would come to understand what the political parties are actually doing.

Hint; It ain't "Resisting" fascism.
In case you're wondering why I keep saying Fascism has already been here for years, this is a very important thread to read because it's an example of one of thousands upon thousands of similar stories.
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