1/n) I am very bothered by the video of the international physican exclaiming to the world hydroxychloroquine is actually effective for treating COVID-19. Although I wish it were true, the problem is that she provides absolutely no evidence.
2/n) Why would I take her word with no evidence over actual evidence of studies that prove that hydroxychloroquine is not sufficiently effective in treating COVID 19? It doesn't make sense to do that, does it...
3/n) I know reasonable people will be skeptical of it. It is the unreasonable people, like our president, that that I fear will use this in ways that are harmful to public - fueling fire to the disillusioned
4/n) that COVID-19 is a hoax or that system (including health system) is here to get some big pay day at the expense of patients health and even their life.

It is disheartening to know that some people think we, physicians, don't want to help cure people of COVID 19.
5/n) -Like we get paid to keep the best kept secret in the entire world - the magical cure for COVID-19.

-Like we want to care for an exorbitant amount of COVID-19 patients.

-Like we want to put our selves at risk.

-Like we want to put our familes at risk.
6/n) -Like we want to take pay cuts because the hospital has to shut down its money-making operations just to decrease the exposure to employees and avoid using unnecessary PPE.
7/n) It is exhausting to even think about. I'm exhausted of talking about it. I'm just plain old exhausted and I wish people would not doubt physicians. We are just trying do our very best, provide excellent patient care, and stay alive.
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