The strategic deployment of whiteness by Western tankies to assume a position of privilege and talk over/invalidate the experiences and voices of POC oppressed by non-Western states (even though it is clear they have no idea what they are talking about) needs to be unpacked.
It is white supremacy in a more nefarious and trojan-horsed form.

Instead of talking to and uplifting the voices of those most marginalized, they attempt to "ascribe" the stigma of whiteness through "gotcha moments" when folks plead with Western governments to recognize abuses.
While pleadings with Western governments for help is a practice that *should* be criticized and unpacked, it is what the current unequal geopolitical nature of the world forces ppl to do.

If you are not offering tangible support in other forms outside of that praxis, then stfu.
Like a white tankie, found it appropriate to lecture me on why I should oppose the Hong Kong protests, which ostensibly seeks to replace the government with a fascist government.

"Have you ever read Noam Chomsky?"

This is an example of what I mean.
- Petition to Canadian govt
- Condemn India’s Domicile Law, and its settlement-colonization underway in Jammu and Kashmir.
- Call on India to immediately restore 4G internet access, and given COVID-19, end arb. detention, respect self-determination
So if there is some gotcha moment where one "exposes" some sort of Western funding for Kashmiri human rights activists (which honestly wouldn't be hard and is exactly what the Kashmiri article author calls for), are these tankies now going to say they are fascist/imperialist?
Revealing some sort of Western connection with social movements around the world doesn't make a politics.

Try, you know, exercising some humility and talk to folks most directly affected by shit instead of like, assuming?
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