Here are some things you can do if you’re offered work that’s NOT MEANT FOR YOU in our industry. This issue WILL come up, so it’s good to have a plan:
1. Recognize it and sit with the discomfort
2. Ask your potential employer about what efforts they’ve gone to to fill the role
with someone it is appropriate for
3. Turn down the position, provide a list of more suitable candidates (don’t have one? I have, I can send it to you)
4. If they insist that none of those writers are capable, and if you have the capacity to do so,
offer to co-work with one of the people on the list. Get them the credit.
5. If it becomes clear that they only want to hire a certain “type” of person for a job, save your reputation amongst your peers and get outta there. We see what people are up to! Every one is a gut punch.
I get that this takes confidence and that you need to feel empowered enough to do this. Well, that’s what POC need to source for themselves every time they walk into non inclusive spaces in our field... every day. You can do it!
You can follow @bishakali.
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