A word on education, especially when it comes to U.S. history: You know the expression "warts and all." That's what education should include, I think -- not merely the warts.
Bernard Lewis, the late Middle East scholar, said, "There is an old saying: 'My country, right or wrong.' For too many Americans, that has been changed into, 'My country, wrong.'"
I cherish Carl Schurz, the German immigrant who became a Union general, a U.S. senator, and other things: "'My country, right or wrong' -- when right, to be kept right; when wrong, to be set right."
I also cherish Jeane Kirkpatrick, who said, "Someday Americans will have to face the truth about themselves -- no matter how pleasant it is."
Again, I'm all for teaching the warts -- even stressing the warts, and definitely trying to remove those that remain. But don't forget the rest ...
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