1/ “I really just don’t have a choice. I’m an essential employee, and I report to work every single day, geared up and ready to go. So as a full-time single working parent, my only option is to send my child back to school.”
2/ "It makes me question, am I valuing my career over my children’s life? It’s hard because I know I worked hard to get where I am but it’s scary because I don’t know what’s going to happen.”
3/ "I am a teacher in a public elementary school and I am terrified to go back. I do not feel that it’s safe to return to in-person learning. Teachers did not sign up to put their lives on the line to save the economy...
4/ ...It's frankly insulting that we're expected to return to buildings that are old, underfunded, and with poor ventilation systems. Remote learning is the safest option for all."
5/ "I want my kids to go back to school. But we’ve been keeping them safe for so long. We don’t take them inside public places, we’ve canceled all trips and vacations, they didn’t even hug grandma when she came to town...
6/...How can we then send them into a school with other kids/staff who have not been as careful as we have?"
7/ "As a high school teacher and a parent, I want school to be able to start. Ideally, we would all be returning safely in person. The reality is only with the greatest care...
8/ ...We must have credible and verifiable infection rates in decline for a sustained length of time, with our population following scientifically guided protocols and safe practices. COVID has exacerbated many societal inequalities."
9/ "I am a fourth-grade teacher. I have many questions and not many answers. But the one that hits me in the gut is this — how do we practice social distancing while also practicing active shooter drills?"
10/ "I teach high school, special education for students with severe disabilities. I think that's a group of people being left out of the conversation. Going back to school will look a lot differently in my classroom."
11/ "I feel like our district is trying very hard to protect teachers and students with all the limits on funding and the pressure of the community on top of it. I am hesitant about our plan, but there is still work to be done and decisions to be made within our building."
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