We should normalize the marriages at the the age of 18 years. That's the only solution for decreasing rapes in the country. It will be better of marrying a girl, rather than going to the prostitute and raping human and animals.....
Girls have sex desires too like man. If they marry each other with consent at the age of 18, then whats wrong with it. 90% of population who watch porn every day including boys and girls are singles...
Girls masturbating in their bedrooms everyday and boys raping animals but they don't find their solution in a constant marriage. Its sad actually...
Girls are not sex toys. Men and women are having sex together from the beginning of the human race. Girls can't grow dick in 21 century to change this Phenomenon. No matter you marry at the age of 18, or 38, marital rape wouldn't change unless people need to educate about that..
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