Couple guidelines - I'm only posting jobs that are good for the world, have salaries in the description and someone sent me.
If you're interested in any of the jobs but have questions, DM me. My DMs are open!
(and if you want me to boost your gig, DM me that too!)
Starting with a few w/ me at ACRE! We have 2 posted (Political director and Digital Intern). We'll also likely be hiring a couple of corporate campaigners and researchers soon. Use the link to apply to the posted ones, or DM me to chat about the unposted. 
Black Voters Matter is hiring a Communications Director. There's and orange ghoul trying to rig an election, this work is important. Based in Georgia. $70-870k
CPD is hiring an organizer for Local Progress (network of elected officials) based in Minnesota. They do pronounce Bag like beg, but the minnesotans are nice folk.
ITEP (Institute on taxation and econ policy) is hiring a Comms Manager for outreach. I really like the ITEP folks. It would be a dream for an econ minded comms person to work with Amy Hanauer and the gang. $62-$78k 
You can follow @mo87mo87.
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