Revelation 16:13
And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet
The NWO for paving the way wants to remove nails and scrap (you truthers) which will prevent a smooth surface. These leaders serve as giant magnets and create the illusion that they are apart from globalism. Have you noticed how much the media hate them? Obviously it's a show!
They play useful idiots, tell a little truth but also, a lot of lies to deceive people on both sides so that those who cling to these "truths" will be hated by the general public who will see these people as stupid and even dangerous. You see? Deceive on both sides
Those who defend our rights and freedoms by refusing the compulsory mask, for example, are qualified as psychopaths and criminals.. today! These frogs talk about hydroxychloroquine for months but are top 3 in the ranking of the dead; what the general public watches with horror
They act as screens for the NWO. Don't be fooled by these puppet idiots just because they seem to be fighting msm, msm love them because of them they sell a lot of paper and generate a lot of clicks. Brazil has started its vaccine test phase and the USA and UK are starting soon
Everything is scripted and planned. Our media, our leaders as well as the big corporations ALL go hand in hand for the NWO. I put my hope in Jesus Christ and I prepare myself on a spiritual, mental and material level for what is to come. War (real or not) and famine (provoked)
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