four hours of Kielburgers, let's go
(please end me)
the lighting is bad, bordering on creepy
currently taking bets on whether their black undershirts are WE shirts
if you are looking for a play by play on their testimony, this is definitely the place for that
lol, asking for help from the chair
this is gonna be... long
Pierre's utter lack of shame, and complete willingness to be a giant dickwad has been leading up to this moment
god help us all
Liberal MP question time
being a committee member from the governing party seems like a debasing job
that's two "you're muted" for Fortin today. c'mon man
that was an excruciating exchange on when a bill was sent to Morneau
two mutes and a freezing for Fortin
Charlie Angus is up, so this could go either way
wild, Marc just picked up Craig's statement without missing a beat
I do not enjoy the speaking style of these gentlemen very much
their "full answers" are goddamn insufferable
now we're getting into the semantics of news corrections and headlines, which I love
"we're really thrilled to correct the record" is a phrase I felt in my spine
I'd give this round of questions three Charlie Anguses out of five
calling speaking on the WE stage an "honour" is a very normal thing
walking adverbs, these guys
god, it hasn't even been an hour yet
the brothers appreciate a lot of questions, I'm happy to report
I wonder how these guys talk about the CRA in private
very weird charity
ah, good, pee break time (liberal MP)
spending a lot of time on semantics which is a cool thing
considered pouring myself a drink, thinking it must be five something by now. HOW IS IT ONLY 2:20?
get this, gang, the got money from the Harper government too! not just Trudeau's!
ha, ha, funnily enough!
so many false media stories are out there, the brothers assure us
back to Angus time
one-and-a-half Anguses
"we hear your question, we understand your concern"
the brothers are laughing thank you
the lighting on Marc face is really trending toward frightening
"touch points"
so much weird fuckin' jargon
I'm not sure the MPs are very good at this as a group
lol Fortin with a quality "tabarnac" after further technical issues
just to be clear I think Harper is as culpable, if not more, than Trudeau in this scandal
lol this Liberal MP is giving the rest her time to the brothers to just rattle off the "misconceptions" out in the world about this whole thing
absolute debasement, lol
ha ha ha ha, just laughing like a normal person
oh thank god, halfway
and we're back
so I guess the Liberal line is to put on the record that it's not just Liberals who have been associated with WE
does Marc need some kind of IV infusion of nutrients?
it's an "honour and a privilege" to speak at WE day, we're again told
the honour is just to know about we day
one thing I can't get over is how everything about WE relies on some very narrow and specific definition of the organization that's being dealt, what someone is being paid for, the activity someone does, a person's job title, etc.
it's just a series of semantic obfuscations
Fortin with a point of order on his equipment being crap
back to some full smarm answers
I will absolutely drive this bit right into the ground, don't you worry
it's not a shell company, it's a shell *non-profit foundation*
poilievre is back up
[as one]: "not to our knowledge"
another thing misunderstood in the press. lotta that going around
the emphatic use of "sir" by the brothers, peppered throughout their answers like punctuation, really grates
did you know there was a pandemic, and that makes things difficult? turns out it's true!
there's a difference between doing good, and being a do-gooder and saying you just wanted to help over and over definitely falls on one side of that line
a faithful Liberal MP has jumped in with a (not actually a) point of order asking if Tories are out of questions because she believes them to be repetitive
which is definitely the kind of thing you want to do when you're trying to emphasize how yours is not the only party with a relationship with WE
and now our friend Dzerowicz is up with, uh, questions
it would be nice if some other MPs would spend a bit of time following up on the former board chair's testimony from earlier that wasn't just looking for the brothers to talk about how great this program would have been
the brothers are going out of their way to not mention @CANADALAND by name, but pretty clear they fucking hate it
Angus III begins
he had a good question there for a second, but has kept going and I think he's lost it
they do not like Angus very much, measured by the number of "sir"s
then Craig brought up Angus' daughter and I think that was a mistake on his part
"I know @JesseBrown is a friend of yours [Angus] and I know he's being spreading false information" (might have double check that exact quote)
gonna give this one four Anguses out of five
anyone who says "with great humility" like Craig just did, is not saying anything with humility
things are definitely getting a bit punchy
the Liberal MP Fraser was back with an admonishment to his colleagues to be nicer or have a better tone or whatever.

was gonna send this with an image of a hand making a wanking motion but it wouldn't send so here we are now
this is officially excruciating
craig is sure to mention everything you've heard in the media is incorrect, every chance he gets. which is certainly one kind of strategy
this was high comedy
craig has on a couple occasions now said the scrutiny the charity is under is killing it
the trouble being, of course, they haven't been able to stand up to that scrutiny. previously, they've escaped scrutiny. now that they're under it things are going badly.
though, credit where credit is due, if you're going to sit down for hours answering questions, there's really no easier place to breeze past those questions than a committee hearing.
we are getting short on time, which I welcome like the warm embrace of death
Fortin is not great at this, even if his shit is working
lol Craig just loves getting in these little digs around the edges, making a wee joke about Fortin's tech problems, which is fascinating
Peter Julian saying he's not happy with any of the answers, because many haven't been answers but speeches. Which is on point.
"allow me to nuance, because nuance and facts matter, sir," Craig says.
the words "fucking twerp" come to mind for some reason
(that is not a typo by the way, he used "nuance" as a verb)
honest to god, the way the brothers are answering questions by "adding context" and just smarming their way through has me grinding my teeth
when Pierre is coming out on top of an exchange, you have fucked up real bad
Marc is also using Liberal MP questions for a pee break
anyway, we're now being told all the things this country has lost by this program being taken from WE
"no one has thought of the children until now," basically
Craig says they wish somedays they never picked up the phone to take on this program. which, uh, yeah
oh no, broke the thread
unbreaking here, I guess
wayne easter is very, very forgiving to Kielburger meandering
these guys can't answer a fucking yes or no question and instead decided to scold Pierre—who again, they are making to look *good*—on his tone and shit
jesus fucking christ, the way this thing is ending
The Liberal MP, Koutrakis, is finishing this up with a handy head pat to just clear the record, and adds in a hilarious "and let me remind you, you are under oath" like it fucking matters
the media and the opposition are just ganging up on WE to kill it
easter says that's a good note to end on and I just
it's over
god cannot exist, because no god would allow such farce to stretch that long
I'm just going to nuance myself with a stiff drink
welcome to a few of you new followers. I want to apologize in advance that my brain is both more and less cracked than this thread today may have implied.
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