The Kielburgers, the co-founders of WE Charity, are about to appear before a committee to testify about the now-cancelled decision for WE Charity to deliver an up-to $912 million grant.

I'm live blogging it here, where you can also watch the meeting live: 
Here we go -- and the Kielburgers asked to be sworn in, which they're doing now.
Craig Kielburger starts off, noting he's been "looking forward" to the opportunity to speak before the committee. He says his team has published dozens of documents in recent weeks and has answered many questions from the media. He also gives a nod to their restructuring efforts.
Craig is giving a list of his organization's goals/work they've done, including WE Day events and efforts to provide clean drinking water to communities overseas. He said that despite the fact that the purpose was never profit, every penny of profit is put back in the charity.
Craig says their organizational structure became overly complex and far from perfect. He says the goal was always to help make the world a better place, and that they welcome politicians of all stripes to their stage, and that Laureen Harper once hosted an after-event.
Craig says that the CSSG program had to be built at breakneck speed, and that WE Charity had experience in this area. He says WE Charity would only be reimbursed the costs of building and administering the program. 

"To be clear, there was no financial benefit for the charity."
He said the fallout from the politicization of this has hurt them, their staff and the communities they serve. He they never would have picked up the phone when the public service called if they knew if would result in youth being left in the lurch.
Now onto questions.
Conservative MP @PierrePoilievre is up first, noting that Marc was caught on tape saying that the PMO called and asked him to implement the program. Marc replies that he got "a little bit ahead of himself" and misspoke. He apologized and said there was no call with PMO.
Poilievre points out that the National Post obtained a memo saying that the prime minister and heritage Canada invited WE to help with a Canada Day event. Craig said the prime minister had announced the Canada 150 funding, but it was Heritage who they actually engaged with.
Poilievre asks again if PMO was involved or if there was a phone call. Craig said that neither he nor Marc ever, in 25 years, received a call from the prime minister on this topic.
Quick Qs from Poilievre - he asks if Craig spoke to anyone in PMO on April 23. He says no. Marc says there is no record of payment to Margaret Trudeau at the Canada 150 event. On whether Sascha, Margaret or Sophie Trudeau ever got paid to speak at a WE Day event, Craig says yes.
Poilievre asks how much total was paid to the Trudeaus, and the Kielburgers say they're happy to provide those exact figures after the meeting.
In response to a q from Liberal MP Dzerowicz, Marc Kielburger says that the organization did not stand to benefit financially from the program and that the first they heard of the $912 million figure was the day it was announced. He added that this is an up-to figure.
Craig says that Rachel Wernick called them and asked if they'd be willing to assist with the program, and they expressed some reservations but "fulfilled this civil servant's request" when they sent the proposal letter (the same day the program was announced).
Dzerowicz notes that the contribution agreement was signed on May 5, and Marc said it technically began that day. He said they got to work right away understanding that there was a financial risk they would incur if the program did not go ahead.
Bloc MP Rheal Fortin is up next, noting that Morneau reimbursed thousands of dollars in expenses to WE Charity. Craig says that this did receive the cheque and it was actually for more than WE spent to host Morneau-- it was for what a trip of that value could theoretically cost.
The brothers say that Morneau was billed for the costs of the trip the day before he appeared before the finance committee.
Fortin asks the Kielburgers for a copy of that bill sent to Morneau for costs incurred from the trips, and Craig says they'd be "happy to submit" whatever they have on record.
Fortin asks which members of cabinet the brothers have been in contact with over the last 2 years. Craig says he had an intro call with Minister Ng on April 7 and has spoken with Minister Chagger and Minister Morneau, but that none of these conversations were related to grants.
(They said they'd have to look into it for a complete list over the last two years, though)
Next up, NDP MP @CharlieAngusNDP. He asks whether Marc hung up on Michelle Douglas. Marc says they're grateful for Michelle's work and that "hung up" isn't a proper characterization of the events.
Angus asks if the brothers demanded Douglas resign after she pressed them for financial records. Craig says a well planned process took place at the end of 2019 about a renewal of board members, even if it wasn't necessarily well executed.
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