If you can do both, you will be unstoppable.

# A Thread.

Inspired by the thoughts and tweets of @naval.
If you want to run the world, learn to build first, then sell.

Rarely do one individual have the ability and talent to do both effectively.

It's either you're a builder or a seller,

Or you're more tilted to one as opposed the other.
This is why silicon valley model startup model works the best.

I like to call it the CEO and CTO combo.

One is predominantly a seller, while the other is a builder.

A Prominent example is Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak with Apple.

Elon musk is an exception to the rule.
Absolute focus leads to amazing results and this is how entire industries are built when there's a combination of a builder and a seller.

So if you're just starting out start with a builders mentality.

Building takes focused time and it'll be easier to pick up marketing later.
In the word of Bill Gates;

β€œI’d rather teach an engineer marketing, than a marketer

This is especially sweeter if the builder has good communication skills.

If you're the intersection of the two, be happy as you'll be the best technologist and
Sales skills scale faster and better over time, so if you're just starting out,

Focus on building..

Don't be a sales person with nothing to backup your claims.

End of thread.

Kindly Rt if you found this valuable

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