2 players to look at next season if both are in the Premier league!

Eze vs Pereira for that midfield 4th/5th mid slot!

Both players are very influential for there respected clubs!


EZE has played 46/46 games starting all
He averages 80 minutes per game in attacking midfield, which means he plays the majority of the match which is promising.
PEREIRA(West Brom)

Pereyra has played in 42/46 games starting 38/42.
He averages 88 minutes per game, which is practically full game meaning he very very rarely gets taken off.

This means the Manager sees him as a top player and needed for every minute.


14 goals
Shots per game 1.7
5 big chances missed.


8 goals
Shots per game 1.9
5 big chances missed.

This shows if you are looking for a goalscorer, Eze is that man if he moves to the premier league.


8 assists
Averages 60 touches a game
13 big chances created
1.8 key passes a game!


16 assists
Averages 62 touches a game
20 big chances created
2.8 key passes a game.

This concludes Pereira is a lot more creative and picks up a lot more assists

Down below are the Heatmaps for both players last season in the championship.

EZE is on the left and Pereira on the right. This shows Pereira is getting the ball in lots of dangerous areas centrally, meaning he could be more of a threat for assists / goals.
This is the end of the thread!

Thanks for reading.

Any feedback would be appreciated + more comparisons for players coming up.

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