i want to talk about the catholic church during the second world war, and the crimes the nazis committed against it, and why the way we view the catholic church as having participated in the nazis reign is actively detrimental to the memories of a lot of people, but i am afraid.
The Second world War has long been an easy tool for anti-catholics to use against the church and my faith, and while Pope Pius XII is guilty of many many many things, the Catholic Faith, and members of the church who did what they could, should not be lumped in with him.
For my faith to be lumped in with that of a regime that murdered millions of people, killed thousands of members of my own church, and even killed clergymen, is extremely disrespectful. I've wanted to talk about this for a while, but I don't know how to without being dogpiled.
Roman Catholics will never know the intergenerational trauma the jewish people have gone through, the Holocaust is not about the Roman Catholic Church or its experiences in the war, and that is a good thing. Yet it is not okay to not only forget that church members suffered,
but also affirm that the church itself was supportive, and willingly participated in the mass murder committed by the nazis. Clerical Fascism is a thing yes, it can be primarily found in Spain, where the Franco regime worked exceptionally hard to get the favor of the church.
In germany, the church was actively persecuted, churchs closed, bishops murdered, priests sent to concentration camps - especially polish ones - and active campaigns of anti catholicism were conducted.
My belief in the catholic church, my faith, is entirely formed out of attempted repression of that belief. Lilly repressed her catholicism due to pressure from her teachers and fellow students, and I am now more connected with my catholicism because of that repression.
IT has been extremely hard to reconcile my beliefs with the actions of the catholic church over the past 2000 years. It has been incredibly hard to sit here and be bombarded by anti catholics who make jokes about the churchs abuses. All I ask from people is they give my religion
a fair shake. I regularly point out the church's abuses, I regularly talk about where change needs to be, I regularly say I want people to tell me where the Church can change, and at every step of the way my faith is challenged.
The truth is the roman catholic church was persecuted by the nazis throughout 1933 - 1945, and that the Bishop of Rome did very little to help the members of the catholic faithful, while individual catholics, bishops, etc, did everything they could to help others through it.
thats all.
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