During a recent bargaining session, several of our members shared powerful testimonials on how @Gannett’s cost-cutting has affected their lives, families and careers.

Many wonder if they can stay in journalism even though they love the work, and they worry about their futures.
“I worry for the younger people in the newsroom, and the direction it’s going is very, very concerning for someone like me who’s mid-career, too. Hearing some of the younger reporters wondering, ‘How would I raise a family?,’ I sympathize with that.” - @DavidWallce
“What is the cost long-term to losing all of these talented employees? I am great at my job. All of my colleagues are great at their jobs. But my career at The Republic is becoming a liability. And this is a problem.” - @taylorseely95
“We didn’t get into this industry for the money, but at this point it’s hard for me to pay my bills. It’s paycheck to paycheck right now. ... I really want to stay here. But right now I don’t know how feasible that is.” - @theseanlogan
“It’s a slap in the face to be told these cuts are an attempt to avoid layoffs, and yet see these multi-million dollar payouts to executives. It’s demoralizing.” - @DiannaNanez
“I’m now starting to get the full picture and having to rethink the future. I’m tired of seeing people leave. I’m tired of seeing people get furloughed. ... It feels like the future is murky for me.” - @angelmendoza___
“It feels as though the investment on the company’s side is not in reporters as much as it used to be. It’s demoralizing to feel like I took a financial cut to take a job that I love. It feels like we’re unappreciated.” - @CaitMcGlade
“I’m deeply concerned about my future at The Republic with merit-based raises and the 401(k) match being cut. ... It’s harder and harder for me to see a path forward as my salary falls behind the cost of living.” - @PerryVandell
“I have to get creative every week to figure out how I’m going to live, how I’m going to pay my bills, how I’m going to afford my car. Now the company is making it difficult to plan for tomorrow.” - @MrJoshuaBowling
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