The Intelligence and Security Committee's Russia report recommends a clampdown on investor visas. Late to this because I was away last week, but a few thoughts in thread form. (1/13)
There have long been concerns that the Tier 1 Investor scheme, which grants the right to live in Britain in exchange for investing in UK stocks etc, allows dodgy foreign money (not just Russian) to flow through London. (2/13)
Immigration lawyers like @SophieBBLaw put it more delicately, but concede there was something to it. The Home Office clamped down in early 2015. (4/13)
The number of investor visa applications fell off a cliff after 2015 - but not necessarily because of anti money laundering checks. The minimum investment doubled from £1m to £2m around the same time, which was probably more of a factor. (5/13)
All the same, the period since the 2015 changes has seen far fewer Russians, in particular, getting investor visas. In the period 2008-2015, around 20% of all investment visa applicants were Russian. Since 2015, it's more like 10%. Lawyers like @carternichola noticed: (6/13)
That trend has increased in recent years. Well under 10% of investment visa applications are from Russians nowadays. (7/13)
Abolition wouldn't do much for "Global Britain". But investor visas were a glaring omission from the government's recent blueprint for economic migration. On the evidence of the Russia report, the security establishment would not mourn the loss. (13/13)
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