If every person who bought an antiracist book from an indie bookstore in May/June bought one book a month from them it would likely save dozens of indie bookstores.
Don't know what to get? You could always ask them for recommendations. You could always ask me for recommendations. You could spread out your holiday shopping. Bet someone else in your life could use How to Be an Antiracist.
The distance between a complete collapse of the industry from COVID-19 & a stable industry poised to thrive again in the future is TINY compared to the scale of the economy...
A few million $ (or less!) from somewhere is all it would take. A quarter of a fighter jet. A dozen square feet of useless border wall. A couple of weeks (or less!) of Amz profits. There should be a government solution...
We shouldn't need to rely on people who are already doing "who can I keep in business" budgets while also dealing with their own financial precariousness, but it looks like we do. So...
if you rushed to buy Stamped from the Beginning from an indie in June, buy a book from them today. Then pick a day in August, September, October, & November. Then tell a friend to do the same...
It should be easier than this to have a decent world, but it's not. We can either accept that and muddle along or find ways to help. Buying one book a month from an indie is a small way to give a big push towards something better.
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