While I think Crenshaw is malicious entity in Congress, whose horrendously gerrymandered district is an affront to democracy. He should not be made fun of because of his injury. Generally mocking him is punching up, but when focused on his injury, it's punching down.
In my 1st tour to Afghanistan in the Kunar province, not a single person that survived did so unscathed.

Some can't walk anymore, some can't use their hands, while others have such severe TBI that they have to have a permanent caretaker.
Many of these people share the same politics as Crenshaw, of which I vehemently disagree with.

I would verbally attack them via their injuries, and if others did, I would not be silent observer.

Defending Dan fucking Crenshaw is not something I never want to do.
For the sake of those people who have sacrificed so much to this godforsaken war, let's just focus on their shit politics instead, I don't want to have to defend that asinine Texan again.
Ugh wouldn't *

Not enough coffee.
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