"I muted / unfollowed you on Twitter."

"I lurk on your Twitter sometimes."

Same people.

FTR, I don't blame you.
Addendum: It *does* suck to find out that people I have known for 2+ decades - people with all but inactive twitter accounts - unfriended me both here and on FB over what I tweet here. I intentionally leave my FB acct very apolitical. Mute is not enough for everyone, though.
"How coud you support Trump? He is so vile! I just cannot tolerate even knowing a Trump supporter."

Well, let me explain.

1) For the first time in a quarter century, the Fed is arresting high level child sex traffickers.
2) For the first time this century... no new wars.
3) Not only no new wars, we are de-escalating the wars Trump inherited (which ranged over 5 countries.)
4) Trump called out China when nobody else in D.C. was doing that. He was right. Decoupling from China is good policy.
5) Trump inherited a broken immigration system. Unlike Obama/Bush/Clinton/Bush, he is not pretending that it isn't broken. Border security, Mexican cooperation, Cent Am cooperation... all necessary. All now underway.
6) But kids in cages?! Trump INHERITED those facilities. Nobody cooperated on addntl funding for his first two years. Either way... no rampant unregulated migration means no more kids in cages. WE ALL WANT THAT. Or at least we should.
7) Russia? It was investigated thoroughly. No collusion. Further, Trump's agenda has been decidedly anti-Putin (look at Iran, Venezuela, China, NATO funding demands, and arming E. Europe.)
8) But he's been terrible on Covid? Per capita, the U.S. is handling this better than every western nation except for Germany. And that's w/ Dem Govs forcing Covid positive patients into nursing homes during the spring.
9a) But he's a rapist? Trump has been accused of that. Absolutely none of those cases have gone anywhere and several have been debunked. Nobody bothered looking into the rest. You really think WaPo or the NYT are sitting on credible cases against Trump?
9b) Joe Biden and Bill Clinton have both been credibly accused of rape. The Tara Reade accusation has more supporting evidence than any accusation against Trump. Do you care only when it's a Republican? I'm an attorney. I want evidence in all instances.
10a) But he's a racist! Based on what, exactly? Trump's entire economic agenda (trade, immigration, etc.) is built around returning jobs and wealth to inner cities (i.e. POC). He broke ranks with the GOP and got prison reform legislation passed. His agenda isn't racist.
10b) He fully funded HBCUs. His infrastructure plan largely helps inner cities. He created inner city "opportunity zones."
What skin color are the people die at the hands of our troops overseas? What skin color are the women and girls who are sex trafficked into our country?
11a) I could go on. Is her personally gross? Some people will say yes. I heard the Access Hollywood tapes. I don't view him as a saint. Or close to one. But substance over style. The likable guy with style, Obama, was one of the worst foreign policy presidents of all time.
11b) Seriously. The GWB administration might be the only admin worse. How many millions of people are dead or were forced to migrate to Europe because of those two administrations? Catastrophe doesn't cover it & we achieved nothing. There are actual slave auctions in Libya now.
12) Under Trump, ISIS was wiped out, Syria de-escalated, Iraq is calmer, we are actively trying to leave Afghanistan, North Korea is calmer... the world is better. Or, at least it is, if you ignore the shrieking failures no longer in power and/or their allies in the media.
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