Jim Jordan having a normal one
Me tuning back in to Jim Jordan's opening "statement" after stepping away for a couple minutes to get coffee
I just lost a bunch of brain cells watching that Jim Jordan presentation. What in the hell was that.
Here's Bill Barr paying tribute to John Lewis, who was arrested 40 times during the civil rights movement, by describing him as a "champion" for "the rule of law"

(h/t @AriBerman)
An evasive Bill Barr admits he's discussed Trump's reelection campaign with the president
In response to Nadler's question about whether he discussed the deployment of federal forces with Trump, Barr says, "I have made it clear that I would like to pick the cities based on law enforcement need."
Bill Barr denies there is systemic racism in American police departments
The laws "are certainly not applied equally. We have systemic problems in our law enforcement ... it is not the numbers, it is the percentage" -- @RepKarenBass pushes back on Barr's denial of systemic racism in American policing
"You started with eloquent words about the life & legacy of John Lewis, fighting systematic racism... [but] when you brought your top staff, you brought no black people. That, sir, is systematic racism... keep the name of John Lewis out of the DOJ's mouth" -- @RepRichmond
"The studies I have seen have suggested ... police are less likely to shoot at a black suspect, a little bit more likely to shoot at a white suspect" -- Bill Barr

(Black people are much more likely than whites to be killed by cops https://www.statista.com/statistics/1123070/police-shootings-rate-ethnicity-us/)
Barr on what he will do if Trump loses in November but refuses to leave office: "If the results are clear, I would leave office."
While being grilled by @RepJeffries, Barr absurdly tries to blame Obama for the Trump's disastrous coronavirus response: "The problem with the testing system was a function of President Obama's mishandling of the CDC."
. @RepJeffries just demolished Bill Barr
After Barr says he doesn't read Trump's incriminating tweets, @RepSwalwell tells him, "there's a lot of evidence in the president's tweets ... you should read them."
Bill Barr defends Trump commuting sentence of Stone by suggesting he was merely guilty of "an esoteric made-up crime," not "a meat and potatoes crime"
"If you're going to say my name, please say it right" -- @RepJayapal to @RepDLesko
. @davidcicilline: Is it ever appropriate for a president to accept foreign assistance in an election?

BARR: ... it depends on the assistance
Bill Barr says it's okay to use teargas on peaceful protesters in some circumstances
Bill Barr refuses to categorically condemn video of a Navy veteran who was protesting in Portland being brutally beaten by federal forces
"Sir, your failure to respect the role of peaceful protest in this country is a disgrace, it's un-American." -- @davidcicilline to Bill Barr
. @RepRaskin points out that Barr seems to have selective objections to protesting -- he doesn't mind when the protesters are armed right-wingers belligerently objecting to stay-at-home orders
. @RepJayapal: "You are aware of certain kinds of protesters, but in Michigan when protesters carried guns & Confederate flags & called for the governor of Michigan to be shot and lynched, somehow you are not aware of that ... there is a discrepancy."
Barr admits to @RepValDemings that when he announced that former US Attorney Geoffrey Berman was "stepping down," Berman hadn't actually agreed to do that
Bill Barr pretends to be baffled that public health experts have concluded it's a good idea to let people vote by mail during a pandemic
Under questioning from @repmgs, Bill Barr admits he has no evidence that mail-in ballots that foreign countries could manufacture mail-in ballots to influence the election, but claims he has "common sense"
. @repmgs highlights the hypocrisy of Barr trying to scandalize political donations made by prosecutors when he and his wife have donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to Republican candidates
. @RepSylviaGarcia: "You could be saving lives while reducing the prison population, yet you blatantly abandoned your duty to these women. You have shamelessly abandoned your oath of office. You have prioritized giving special favors to the president's friends."
. @RepJoeNeguse on Barr's testimony about removal of Berman: "He may not have known that he was stepping down? That's your testimony"
"The gentleman's rudeness is not recognized" -- @RepJerryNadler to Jim Jordan
Bill Barr denies discussing specific legal cases with the president -- but then in the very next breath admits he's not even sure which cases @RepGregStanton was referring to 🤔
Bill Barr refuses to commit that the Department of Justice won't get involved in a contested election
"You're a real class act, Mr. Chairman" -- Bill Barr rebukes Jerry Nadler over Nadler's reluctance to let him take a break
Bill Barr can barely conceal his disdain for @RepDean
Bill Barr disrespectfully talks right over Rep. Dean, then louds sniffs when she asks him to stop
"I'm surprised by your disrespect for a member of Congress" -- @RepDean to Barr
. @repdmp: Do you agree that Gov. DeSantis is doing an incredible job?

BARR: I have no reason not to believe that.

REP. MUCARSEL-POWELL: In Florida, we have more cases than most countries combined around the world, so no, he is not doing an incredible job
. @repdmp: "I'm not going to lie to my constituents. I'm going to tell them that President Donald Trump and the Attorney General, working together, are not following health guidelines and are letting Americans die needlessly b/c of political reasons. That is what I will tell them"
. @RepEscobar: Does the president tell you what he thinks the winning issues for him would be in his reelection?

BARR: I think that my discussions with the president are confidential. But it shouldn't surprise you that in an election year that the topic of the election comes up.
After @RepEscobar closes by telling Barr that "there is nothing more dangerous to our republic than an attorney general ... who swears allegiance to just one person, Donald Trump," Jim Jordan angrily refers to her as "the lady."

And with that the hearing concludes.
Barr exchanges a wrist-bump with Republican @RepMikeJohnson as he leaves the hearing room
Under questioning from @repmgs, Bill Barr admits he has no evidence that mail-in ballots that foreign countries could manufacture mail-in ballots to influence the election, but claims he has "common sense."

(reposting with correct video)
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