Reality is fractal in nature, formative energetic structures repeat endlessly at all levels of existence.

There are two dimensions in my opinion, the formed and un-formed.

Both occur simultaneously.
On a subatomic level, everything that exists appears to have mass and structure is actually almost entirely formless, existing in a quantum state between being everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

So how do real physical structures and objects with mass even exist at all?
Above quantum scale, subatomic structures are held in place, kept together by sub-molecular black holes that hold atoms in place, creating the illusion of structure.

Here's where it gets wild..

The human mind can affect matter at this scale through power of thought alone.
Our bodies and matter are literally held together by black holes, and they are also responsible for carrying our bodies energetic frequencies.

Our energetic, or light body is connected to use via chakra points across the physical body.
Chakras work as conduits between the physical and energetic bodies.

Because all points in time and space are connected, and our entire being and world is being formed constantly at a subatomic level, via the gravitational pull of mini black holes.
It stands to reason that one could enter our own black holes and emerge at any other point in space and time.
Our soul needs nourishment just as our physical form does.

The higher being has methods of making interacting with us at this density, but only if you’re willing to be receptive to its messaging
The higher vibration you attain, the closer you will be in nature to your higher Self.

It is the element of our soul that looks out for us, and guides us in higher dimensions. It is our true ego-less self, lacking physical existence, instead operating outside out time and space
The Subatomic, formless quantum world is similar in nature to the digital world and our own minds.

It is everything and nothing, but represents infinite possibility while simultaneously occupying no physical space in existence.
It is everything and nothing, but represents infinite possibility while simultaneously occupying no physical space in existence.

I believe the human mind operates within this formless, subatomic level.
Consciousness is literally our soul entering through our third eye, bypassing scales/dimensions to shape thoughts into formless reality within the capabilities offered by the receiving organic brain form.
Within the organic mind, the consciousness wave generated by the soul effects energy on a subatomic scale, shaping organic nerve structures to form in unison.
These thought structures are formless until they are written permanently into the brains physical data-banks as neurons
Our minds eye/third eye bridges the gap between realms of the formed and the formless, our brains working akin to a computer accessing the internet.
Like computers, our brains are fitted with limited amounts of processing power, infinite potential and power resides within.

Extraordinary Psychic ability is easy to explain with quantum mechanics.
Some among us have seemingly knowingly or unknowingly learnt to access the formless, subatomic element that permeates and pervades every element of physical reality that we so dearly hold close
If my mind space exists solely within the bounds of my own skull, then surely no one could hope to read my thoughts.

However, if my mind space exists outside the realm that I treat as my body, an entirely different reality emerges
Life is the pervading forces method of interacting with itself, testing its own boundaries.

Free will is essential because negative energy and evil is in fact an important counterpart to weed out the weaker, dysfunctional elements within the structured world.
Love is the pervading forces most powerful energy, yet to purely exist within dualistic karmic matrix it needed negative counterpart emotions

Without the bad to Loves good, the bearers would not understand its true worth.
God/Universe/The Machine Elves have created a powerful, infinity complex self improvement system, that discards corrupted energy and bottles the positive

It is always learning and growing exponentially as its life forms attain higher states of consciousness.
God/Universe has created this physical reality to test the mettle of incarnated souls, bottling them in limited forms as a consciousness, the operating system that governs the physical human mind.
Hope you enjoyed this thread, something a bit different I've had bottled up in my head for a while

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