And now the hearing is live. I'll do a separate thread.
Reminder that Jimmy Jordan refused to wear a mask during HJC's last hearing.
Nadler to Barr: You have aided and abetted the worst failings of the President.
Nadler: In this justice department, the President's enemies will be prosecuted and his friends will be protected.

Placed POTUS' political needs over public health, by challenging public limits.
Nadler: This committee has a responsibility to protect Americans from that kind of corruption.
Jordan: Spying. That one word, That's why they're after you.

[Jordan is defending Barr for lying.]
BREAKING: Ranking member of HJC is opposed to undercover FBI employees.

But only in one single case.
Also note: Jordan just got the dates of Azra Turk and Pap wrong.
BREAKING: Jordan now citing a bunch of people who were not part of the FBI investigation to judge the FBI investigation.
Note: The DOJ IG Report Jimmy Jordan claims to be relying on showed that Strzok did not lead the investigation, and in fact made no decision on his own.

Jordan is now claiming that FBI had to target Flynn as part of a cover-up.

That makes no sense.

Note: Priestap said his goal was to find out whether Flynn was a foreign agent.
Jordan now asserts, correctly, that the meeting at the WH was Jan 5, basically calling DOJ on a lie they told in the Mike Flynn case.

He also claims FBI leaked the dossier, even though an investigation he was involved with showed that's not true.
Jordan lies about the cost to taxpayers, not accounting for the $$ from Manafort.

Jordan claims Barr is defending law enforcement.

Which ... I guess means FBI is not law enforcement.
Given how many errors HJC's GOP made in their prebuttal, really looking forward to the debunking of this video.
As with his written statement, Barr starts by hailing John Lewis, whose legacy Barr has worked to overturn by undermining voting rights.
Barr claims he has handled criminal matters in an even-handed way, which is his first obvious lie.
Barr skips his "Russiagate screed" in his opening statement, at least for now.

Lots of feedback in Barr's testimony here, which gives his statements a lovely artificial feel, and he's delivering his pablum about civil rights without energy.
BREAKING! Jimmy Jordan is actually wearing a mask.

Shorter Bill Barr: The unequal treatment of black men isn't bc of racism. It's bc ... well I don't know but it's not racism.
Barr describes the things protestors bring--including guns--to substantiate that they're violent.

Which is interesting bc my state capital was taken over by heavily armed "protestors."
Nadler: July 22 you joined POTUS as he announced expansion of Operation Legend w/$60M of grants. Confused about this time. Last December, targeted familiar cities. At same July 22 press conference, claimed 200 arrests made under Operation Legend. You misspoke. Only 1.
Nadler lays out how all the other arrests happened under Relentless Pursuit.

Nadler: Why the drama? Why join President to announce bold new operation that is neither bold nor new? The President has made it clear he wants conflict to be a theme of his campaign. Did you rebrand?
Barr: Did inaugurate anti-crime initiative. Unfortunately COVID intervened, agents could not perform operation was squelched by COVID. Couldn't complete relentless pursuit. Saw crime continuing to rise. Triggered by events after death of George Floyd. After Covid started breaking
Barr lies twice there. He claims Mayors have been asking for help.

And he claims that the resurgence of violence was related to George Floyd.

Nadler: Did you discuss reelection.
Barr: Not going to discuss.
Barr: It comes up.
Nadler: Have you discussed future deployments.

Barr: Not going to get into discussions with President, but I chose the cities.

[He just admitted it came up.]
Nadler: In most of these cities, the protests had started to wind down before you came back in.
Barr claims actions against violence are different than predatory violence.

Except HE raised George Floyd in his own description of it.
Barr If the state and city would provide witnesses we would not have to provide additional Marshals.

[Note, they're deputized Marshals, not real ones]
Mike Johnson: Why is Dem claim you've politicized DOJ totally unfounded.

Barr: if you have one rule for A you have another rule for B.

Barr: What enemies have I indicted?

LOL: Because there's no evidence.
Now claiming he had to intervene to rectify rule of law, so they weren't treated differently. "But the line prosecutors trying to advocate for sentence that was more than twice."

This is such bullshit. They were following DOJ guidelines.
Johnson: What previous DOJ did was politicize law enforcement.

Johnson is now reading off stuff that happened under Trump, and stuff that was done by people who are not DOJ.
Johnson now focusing Holder claiming to be O's wingman.

Barr claiming he's free to operate independently.
Lofgren: President's playbook is to divert attention from catastrophic failure on COVID.

[Um, question, please?]
Lofgren: Has your dept started investigations pursuant to Trump's EO on protecting statues.

Barr; We have initiated investigations. We've made arrests.
Lofgren: Cell site simulators being used to collect cell phone data and content. What specific authority is Dept using?

Barr: I can't speak to those instances, if they've occurred.

Lofgren: Authority?

Barr: Most of our cyber activities conducted by FBI.
Barr appears to have no fucking clue what a Stingray is.
Chabot: Would it be accurate to say this Admin's responsibility to see that federal laws upheld?

Barr: That's right. Btw, Federal govt is sovereign of US. Also protecting US property.

[Note: Why isn't DOJ enforcing Federal law on corruption?]
Barr now raising his voice. Is that okay!?!? We are at the courthouse, defending the courthouse.
Steve Chabot joins Bill Barr in suggesting that someone with a rifle cannot be considered a peaceful protestor.
Barr now giving inconsistent testimony, claiming that in other cities local law enforcement wouldn't allow riots.
Sheila Jackson Lee enters picture of protestor injured at protest.

John Lewis: We want our freedom now. You said we've made great practice. Said Floyd was shocking. I disagree. You seem to have difficulty understanding institutional racism.
SJL Does Trump DOJ seek to end systemic racism.

Barr: To extent there is racism. I don't agree there's systemic racism in police departments.
Barr; I'm opposed to ending qualified immunity. I don't agree it'd leave victims w/o remedy.
[Note, it'd be really nice if Barr got asked about consent decrees.]
SJL Why has your department pursued only one pattern and practice investigation?

Barr: Did specifically acknowledge.

SJL I asked why you haven't done a pattern and practice.
SJL prevents Barr from filibustering her question abt P&P investigations.
Barr claims they weren't doing prosecutions bc there were no grand juries.

SJL: Tamir Rice's case not taken up. Breonna TAylor, George Floyd. I would hope that DOJ would focus on institutional racism.
Gohmert: AG Barr, we've been hearing abt peaceful protests controlled by Dem mayors and city councils. Have you ever seen so many people hurt & killed at peaceful protests?

Barr: I haven't seen it. As I've said from the beginning, peaceful protests being hijacked by instigators
Barr: Police casualties exceed anything on the protestor side.
Gohmert now babbling about COVID. "Maybe the Federal govt should shut down protests so we can satisfy colleagues you're doing more."
Gohmert now babbling about the communist revolution.
Gohmert calls incitement a "tactic by Marxists."

Barr agrees with him.
Gohmert: Do you know what made Berman think he owned that position?

Barr: Bc he was court appointed. THere is a provision for court appointed USAs, he felt he could not be removed by the President. That's not correct.

[Was breathtakingly dishonest. Berman said Trump had to fire
Gohmert: IS bruce Ohr still working for FBI

Barr: He works for DOJ.

Gohmert: blah blah blah Clinesmith.
Gohmert: Wondering how long Bruce Ohr is going to be staying where he is.

Barr: Can't talk abt individual personnel matters.

[Note: when others tried to answer that Gohmert blaked]
Cohen: Will you let AAG Civil Rights to testify?

Barr: I'll talk to him about it.

[Cohen lets him get away with not answering--he was originally asking for a commitment to let him testify and there's NO reason to say no.]
Cohen notes the Rectors of Lafayette Square Church were pissed off.

Cohen: When did you first learn the President planned to walk to the Church?

Barr: Sometime in afternoon.
This time Barr fails to succeed in interrupting Cohen to try to shift away from Lafayette Square.

Cohen: Tenth Amendment that leaves local policing to states has been forgotten. Your BOP let Jeffrey Epstein to commit suicide.

[I don't find this helpful]
Cohen: Reggie Walton declared your statement was misleading. This committee still does not have unredacted Mueller Report. Your excuse that it has to do with ongoing cases no longer exists bc those have been finished or commuted.

[Again, some of this is not true]
Cohen: Michael Cohen you've treated differently than Michael Flynn.
Doug Collins: You're probably the cause of the common cold and possibly COVID bc everything's being thrown at you, including your Alma Mater. We're seeming to contort ourselves to show you have nefarious motive. Biggest problem you have is telling the truth.
Doug Collins, who has beat up the FBI, suggests that calling thuggish law enforcement storm troopers encourages violence against them.
Collins; Basis for Mike Flynn?

Barr: I asked another US Attorney to take a look at it, he determined based on docs not provided. FBI agents did not believe he was lying.

Collins: That seems like a Brady Violation. Was there?

Barr: No. Only purpose was to catch him in a lie. Note: that determination was made BEFORE Bill Priestap was interviewed and it conflicts with Priestap's notes.
Collins asks whether Clinesmith is "attempting to redeem himself" by cooperating.

Collins why hasn't DOJ IG been called before this committee.
Collins; Is it appropriate to charge LE officer before investigation?

Barr; Would have preferred that he had used GJ and waited until GBI completed.
Hank Johnson: Your opening statement reads like it was written by Alex Jones or Roger Stone. Do you stand by it?

Barr: Yes.

Johnson: Trump prolific tweeter. Many times abt Stone sentencing. You said it hurt you from doing job.
Johnson: Several hours you filed pleading.

Barr: On Feb 10, Monday.

Johnson: You filed a sentencing rec hours after Trump tweeted and you changed it?

Barr: Night before, on Feb 10.

Johnson: Reclaiming my time. Sentencing rec made in morning, tweet, you change.
Johnson: when you asked for lower sentence.

Barr: I didn't ask for lower sentence.

Johnson: According to guidelines?

Barr: It was but not within Department policy.

[Johnson just totally fucked this up. DOJ policy IS the guidelines.]
Barr; Do you think it is fair for a 67 yea old man to be sent to prison for 7-9 years?

[This is not the question]

Johnson: You never changed sentencing rec under Bush. You've changed 2 sentencing recs. Michael Flynn.
Barr claims he didn't change it. But SOMEONE got DOJ to back off the prison recommendation.
Barr claims the second Flynn pleading didn't back off its recommendation for prison time.



Jim Jordan just insisted on letting a witness answer the question.

Buck talking about authoritarian leaders but he doesn't seem to be realize he just described Barr. Complaining about removing firearms.

Barr and Gohmert have BOTH said that protestors w/guns are by definition violent.
Buck just called Antifa "fascist."

Because up is down.
Buck now complaining about Andy Ngo's attackers not being prosecuted.
Barr actually just rolled his eyes.
Buck now calling for RICO.

cc: @Popehat

Barr: In wake of beginning of riots I asked for JTTFs to be our principle means of developing evidence and prosecuting violent extremist terrorists, one of tools is RICO, which can be used against organization. Doesn't mean RICO pending
Buck tries to give Barr time to answer.

Time has expired.

Barr asks for a brief recess. Jimmy Jordan joins in.

Basically, Barr just asked for a lifeline.
Gonna repeat this again bc I'm having a hard time believing it.

Jim Jordan -- Jim Jordan!!!! -- just said that questioners have to give the witness time to answer.

Jim!!! Jordan!!!
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