a thread on TFA and failed allyship:

This was posted on the #BIPOCinTFA Instagram account. I’m so glad it was because I think about this moment so much in my work.

This moment happened during a white affinity space facilitated by folx under my leadership in 2018.

During the 2018 Miami TFA Institute, I was in charge of all DEI work, including affinity spaces. I met with leaders each week. We planned and discussed what would happen in all three of our affinity spaces:
1. BIPOC racialized as POC
2. BIPOC racialized as white
3. White
Our racial affinity spaces were required and set up as intentional coalition-building spaces and differed from optional weekly spaces for other identity markers (ex. we offered QTPOC, AAPI, veteran, parent, and other groups).

This incident happened while I was in Boston apartment hunting at approximately 3PM. I learned about it from a crisis call that I took on a furniture showroom at 8PM that night, because BIPOC corps members found out and rightfully raised hell.

There were at least 5 white staff members in that room including the facilitator. No one said anything before or after (within that 5 hours). The facilitator did not call me. They sat silently while a white person said the N word.

Silence is dangerous.

The DEI team raised concerns about that white corps member all summer. She was dangerous for kids (and adults). If she had not said that word on that day, TFA would have “supported her on her journey” as she harmed students. #BIPOCinTFA

It happens all of the time.
The corps member was dismissed, but what about the staff? what do we do with the ones who allow violence? Who holds the system accountable?

The facilitator cried and blamed me. The other white staff avoided me (and other Black folx) for the rest of our time. #BIPOCinTFA

We held listening spaces. We made commitment. We had heated all-staff and affinity meetings. In the end, harm was harm. In the end, there was little TFA could do for me or any other Black person at that institute to make us truly feel affirmed. #BIPOCinTFA

That’s why I don’t fuck with performative allyship. Allyship ain’t all about the visible and public shit. Some of the most important “work” happens in the rooms, conversations, and spaces I’m not in.

How are you showing up when BIPOC can’t hear/see what you say and do?
as the person in charge of that work that summer, I failed. however, i failed because my white counterparts were shit, because they didn’t open their mouths, because they were complicit and ashamed, because they thought no one would ever find out.

we always know though.

I’m so grateful for movements like #BIPOCinTFA for giving folx in our community a voice and a space for truth that we can’t always share. I don’t know who the author of the post was but if you’re reading this — I love you and I’m sorry.

TFA, like most other social justice initiatives, prioritizes the development of white people (and protects them). However, there are some really dope BIPOC alums/staff doing amazing work to decenter whiteness. If that’s you — I see you and love you, fam.
The truth is though — Teach for America will never be for BIPOC and/or radical change. It relies too heavily on BIPOC as pawns and playmakers without adequate recognition and compensation.


There are very very few white people I trust wholeheartedly as partners in this work.

The number is 5. If you are wondering if you are one of the 5, you are probably not.

Imagine doing backbreaking, draining, life-threatening work only to also have to make sure your white counterparts are also not causing harm/trauma.

Never take a BIPOC’s commitment to Interracial coalition-building lightly. It is exhausting work.

To be honest, Teach for America paid me really well that summer but I’m still stuck wondering if the cost on my soul outweighed the benefits in my wallet.


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