A surefire sign your AG is a whiny snowflake if the Republicans on the committee have to write a prebuttal before he'll show up. https://twitter.com/ByronYork/status/1288115194170769412
The prebuttal appears to be page after page of "I'm rubber and you're glue," which means one of the adults on the GOP side wrote the doc.
GOP prebuttal: DiFi said Barr would have an easy time getting confirmed but didn't vote for him bc he made it clear he'd politicize things.
Reminder: the far right is a far bigger threat than Antifa and those peaceful demonstrators labeled as Antifa by snowflake AGs.
I won't dwell on the spin about Lafayette square, but I expect WaPo to do 3 rebuttals of it.

Then the GOP prebuttal quotes Billy Barr lying about what the DOJ IG Report says, which is precisely the point.
Reminder: the ONLY FISA submissions that Billy Barr's DOJ has withdrawn are those submitted under a guy named Trump. NO ONE, not Barr, not FISA, not DOJ IG, has said the ones under Obama didn't meet probable cause.
Here the Republicans are complaining about something that Donald Trump's DOJ did -- to defend Billy Barr.
Note, this finding from DOJ IG has since been partly debunked. Michael Gaeta told HPSCI that they WOULDN'T ever use Steele's reporting for a trial, for sensitivity reasons. (That is, DOJ IG didn't know what they were hearing.)
The GOP prebuttal once again claims that something that Trump's DOJ did (these were April and June 2017 applications) were Obama's fault.
Then they quote Billy Barr NOT WAITING for the results of an investigation to weigh in--basically a worse violation of DOJ guidelines than what either Comey or McCabe got fired for.

The GOP thinks this shows he's waiting for the results though.
According to the HJC GOP, if something gets referred to DOJ, then it amounts to being guilty of the crime, which would mean they also believe Trump conspired with Russia.
There's a slew of obfuscation here. One of my favorite is that DOJ said the calls were pretty normal UNTIL THEY LISTENED TO THEM, and they were like OH SHIT, this guy is making deals with the folks who just attacked us.
This isn't really true either, but if the HJC GOP is so worried about the Logan Act maybe they should ask the relevant committee in Congress to do something about it, bc it remains a law.
The VERY SAME document made it clear the goal was to assess whether Flynn was violating 18 USC 951 (which he arguably DID violate with Turkey). Every source corroborates that.

18 USC 951 is a crime.
This is what the HJC GOP consider "dissuading." (Their footnote quotes only the part that doesn't involve Flynn freely saying, yeah, I'll meet them.)
A judge has found the initial notes matches every version of the 302, as do notes recently released by Flynn himself.
In a document that purports to show Obama targeted Trump, the HJC GOP describes Obama not targeting Trump, then to substantiate their point focus on an event that didn't happen during the Obama Admin.
The HJC GOP doesn't seem to believe that the OTHER CRIMES that Flynn got off on -- the same 18 USC 951 crimes that he was originally investigated for, only with Turkey -- are relevant here. Flynn's competent former lawyers did.
No mention here that Billy Barr's DOJ approved a sentencing recommendation calling for prison time, and NOTHING NEW has been discovered.
No mention there that the ONLY REASON DC Circuit ruled against Sullivan is bc DOJ successfully claimed that it would cause irreparable harm to DOJ if DOJ had to explain why it flipflopped like a beached whale on the Flynn prosecution.
A judge has found that CNN was not tipped off. SO to substantiate that false claim, the HJC GOP cite part of an IG Report that doesn't substantiate it either.

According to Mark Meadows's definition, Roger Stone "colluded," and his lies served to cover that up.

Meanwhile, the HJC GOP apparently don't know who was actually on Mueller's team in spite of all Trump's wails about it.
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