[THREAD] Sunni genocide fact or fiction?

Recently on Twitter there has been discussion on Sunni genocide as it is commonly denied by Shias who claim it is merely a fabrication & a hateful reaction to the hashtag #Shiagenocide.
It is often claimed by Shias such as @Zunaiir that Sunnis are oppressed but not killed "for being Sunni". This thread will demonstrate that this reasoning is fallacious.
Firstly, a "genocide" is defined as "the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group". As you will find in this thread, this definition unquestionably applies to the massacre of Sunnis in Iraq & Syria.
It is not uncommon for Iranian funded Shia militias to use sectarian rhetoric before storming Sunni areas. Here leader of Shia militia, Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq , Qays Khazali speaks about revenge for Hussain (RA) by claiming the residents of Sunni majority Mosul follow Yazeed.
This Shia militia commander rouses fighters by speaking about "purifying" Iraq before storming the Sunni city of Fallujah.
Such rhetoric is given credence by the Shia clergy who have issued fatwas about the permissibility of killing "wahhabis".
Another Shia cleric rousing a militia using sectarian language before storming a Sunni village, this time a representative of hate preacher Yasser Al Habib's militia, Khoddam al Mahdi.
Leader of the aforementioned militia has given his own hateful fatwas to kill "wahhabis" and destroy Sunni mosques.
Soldiers from the Iraqi army often pose for pictures with Yasser Al Habib's slanderous book which accuses revered Sunni figure Aisha, may Allah be pleased of her, of many hateful claims such as she was impure and promiscuous (may Allah forgive me for repeating).
Soldiers of the Iraqi army waving the flag of Yasser al Habib's militia, Khoddam al Mahdi.
Member of Shia apologist group @BayatalGhadeer tweeted in support of this sectarian militia.
Iraqi soldier spray painting a wall in a Sunni town Nenowah with the words "Aisha is in hell", and claiming he will raise a Shia flag on the Sunni mosque in the area.
Citizens of Sunni city Fallujah are declared kuffar by Shia militias before rockets are fired at the city.
Since the war started there have been thousands of videos circulating of Sunni villagers being executed by soldiers wearing Shia militia uniforms.
Sunnis who live around the shrine of Zainab in Damascus, are also forced out of their homes in order to accommodate Shia settlers from neighbouring countries.
Shia apologist @PurifiedTruth has his own ideas for "dealing" with the Sunnis in the area of the shrine of Zainab, including enslavement and genocide.
Footage from a Shi’i Hezbollah fighter in Syria.

He says:

“We stomped on the corpses in the back. We burned their religion, & we will continue to burn their religion. We will continue to raid their dens till every last Sunni hound on the face of this planet!”.
Civilian men from the Sunni city of Saqlawiya were taken and tortured then executed by Shia militias.
Sunni resident of Saqlawiya testifies to it being a "sectarian issue" and that the Shia militias "want to get rid of all of us (Sunnis)".
Multiple independent news firms and human rights organisations have written on the indiscriminate killing and torturing of Sunnis. A simple google search returns many results.
Sunnis are not just targeted by Shia militias, they are also provoked. Here with the protection of government forces, a Shia group marches through a Sunni district of Baghdad with a microphone and curses revered Sunni figures.
What we are seeing with the Shia militias is a repeat of history where Shah Ismail al-Safawi popularised Twelver Shiism via the genocide of Sunnis. For more information on that, do check out our video "How Iran Became Majority Shia" by @AdamNeuser.
The next time you find someone on Twitter denying Sunni genocide, please educate them by sending them this thread. The clips used were taken from our (Sunni Defense) documentaries which can be viewed via the following links:

It should come as no surprise that many Shias deny the genocide of Sunnis by Shia militias as Twelver Shiism is centred around tragic stories of oppression. Shias are simply used to "being victim" rather than having to face the fact that Shias also commit genocide.
So is Sunni genocide fact or fiction? Maybe @Zunaiir can explain to us how it differs to Shia genocide.

Oh, and i'm also still waiting for @BayatalGhadeer to condemn Shia terrorist groups... and the founder of their group @PurifiedTruth...
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