🌟 Good morning, are you looking for resources for humanities phds thinking about careers in and beyond the tenure track? 🌻

Here are some ways I can help [thread]
The Academic Job Market Support Network is a repository and community for phds.

It hosts sample job materials for the academic and alt-ac markets, including cover letters, research statements, and more. @JobMarketSuppo1

🐢 If you're interested in jobs off the tenure track, check out the alt-ac support network, a community of PhDs who have pursued non-traditional career paths and want to talk about it with you.

🐜 There are lots more resources for non-tt job seekers, including where to look for jobs, how to conduct informational interviews, and more, in the Job Market Support Network Repository.

And, um, if you want to read more about job market feelings, you can see all my writing about academia -- and a few other resources -- on my website 😳

Also! there are so many other people thinking & writing about humanities careers. I don't have a comprehensive list, but here are some people I follow (1/2):

@FromPhDtoLife @drmarenw @BeyondProf @briandegrazia @katinalynn @catsonatardis @profgabrielle @RoshniRaoPhD
You can follow @hralperta.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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