Not to add more fuel to the PE discourse but if there’s a class on the curriculum that traumatised about 10% of every year so badly that at best never attended and at worst now have a life long poor relationship with exercise and sport, it probably needs a pretty large reform.
PE class just acts as a space for bullies to inflict the violence they can’t get away with in corridors or classrooms, especially in boys schools. If there was anything about nutrition, actual exercise or how to stay healthy and fit involved, I might have gone even once.
Imagine if a huge portion of classes didn’t attend History because it made them feel physically unsafe or mentally unhappy? It’d be reformed SO fast. As long as PE is seen as an outlet for aggression rather than an educational opportunity it’ll keep harming kids.
This is blowing up so just wanna encourage you to donate if you can to MASI who are trying to end the inhumane Direct Provision system (look it up if you’re in the UK) in Ireland that imprisons refugees and asylum seekers! And EMAIL YOUR TD! (Pics from environmentaladai on Insta)
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