1/23 It was a great pleasure today to talk with national #NCD Directors and Programme Managers from Ministries of Health, Trade and Finance during our monthly virtual webinar on NCDs. Happy to share my PPT in the thread below.
2/23 As we respond to the COVID19 pandemic, we have an opportunity to learn how to build more inclusive, resilient & sustainable humanitarian responses that include PLWNCDs.
3/23 Health worker are on the front lines of building #NextGenNCD, showing us what bold leadership looks like.
4/24 As #COVID19 threatens to reverse progress made on the #GlobalGoals, we must go beyond short-term measures & focus on building sustainable health systems & fostering innovation.
5/23 The #COVID19 recovery is an opportunity to invest in people living with NCDs, and ensure equal rights and participation — which will have lasting benefits for all.
6/23 We have a narrow window, but vast opportunity, to rebuild a fairer world in which health systems are able to meet the health-care needs of PLWNCDs.
7/23 We need not only NCD action, but also NCD justice. Political leaders must raise their ambition, businesses must raise their sights, and people everywhere must raise their voices. There is a better way, and we must take it. #NextGenNCD
8/23 #COVID19 is dramatically affecting the most vulnerable people living with #NCDs - including people living in fragile & low-income countries. We need unity. We need solidarity. We need international cooperation to address their health-care needs.
9/23 Now is the time for global leaders to decide. Will we succumb to chaos, division & inequality? Or will we right the wrongs of the past & move forward together, for the good of all? We are at breaking point. But we know which side of history we are on. #NextGenNCD
10/23 As long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality persist in our world, none of us can truly rest.
11/23 #COVID19 is a human tragedy but has also created an opportunity to build back a more equal & sustainable world.
12/23 NCDs must be part of the quest for a better future of dignity, opportunity and prosperity for all people on a healthy planet. #NextGenNCD
13/23 This is the moment for the international community to move forward with unity and solidarity on NCDs. #NextGenNCD
14/23 As part of the @UN response to the #COVID19 crisis, @WHO is coordination the health response and co-coordinating the humanitarian and socio-economic response.
15/23 To build a world with equal rights and opportunities for PLWNCDs, we must unlearn and dismantle prejudiced attitudes about ODA for NCDs.
16/23 We need to be honest with ourselves. The #COVID19 crisis is having devastating impacts because of our past and present failures to address #NCDs. But we can turn this around.
17/23 Urgent and longer-term steps are needed to address the COVID19 and NCDs emergency and ensure a recovery rooted in equality.
18/23 It’s time to embrace the vast opportunity of a addressing NCDs - a future that protects people and promotes prosperity.
19/23 There is no choice between NCDs or #COVID19.
They are interlinked. We will either win on all fronts or fail on all fronts.
20/23. The COVID19 crisis is a wake-up call to do things differently for the prevention, screening, diagnosis and treatment of NCDs.
21/23 We must accelerate coordinated global action to ensure that we recover better from this crisis & deliver together on the NCD agenda for a better world for all.
22/23 Our challenge is to save lives today while strengthening the health systems for tomorrow.
23/23 There is no good reason for any country not to include #NCDs in their #COVID19 recovery plans.
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